Oddam w dobre ręce - tanio
Poszukuje kart do Middle Earth oraz Rage. Wymienie także za karty do Deadland lub 7th Sea lub BloodWars
Pytajac o karty podaj swoja oferte!!
- Banish All Doubt x3
- Heavy Elite x2
- Order of the Wooden Blade x2
- Moto Hunters x2
- Iron Gauntlet Brothers
- Matsu Mikura (Experienced)
- Hiroshi's Legion
- Akodo Raemon
- Akodo Kusamoto x2
- Ikoma Toruken x3
- Ikoma Satoru x2
- Akodo Shigo
- $$$
Klaser klanowy - Lion
Spider Netsuke x3[/b]
Keukegen x2[/b]
Tsi Mokotsu x4 [/b]
Writ of Reprimand x6
Paneki's Disgrace
Veteran's Expirience
Utagawa exp
Festival of Drifting Souls Promo GE 1
Assess Your Foe Promo CE 3
Humble House Promo CE 1
Liquid Courage Promo CE 1
The Elements Align Promo CE 1
The Empire Awaits Promo CE 1
Tsubo the Drunk Promo CE 1
Disposable Troops Promo PotD 1
Emerald Champion Promo PotD 1
Hideshi's Guardian Promo PotD 1
Spirit of the Bear Promo PotD 1
Unicorn Scout Promo PotD 1
Belly of Fudo Promo PR 4
Essence of the East Wind Promo PR 1
Front Line Camp Promo PR 1
Imperial Command Promo PR 3
Imperial Favor (IG2) Promo PR 2
Imperial Legionaries Promo PR 3
Lightwater Bay Promo PR 3
Limbs of Fudo Promo PR 1
Miya Shoin (Experienced) Promo PR 1
Opportunistic Ronin Promo PR 3
Bayushi Ishikura Rare GE 1
Fubatsu No-Dachi Rare GE 1
Ikoma Hagio Rare GE 3
Ikoma Tomoi Rare GE 1
Incredible Resilience Rare GE 1
Layered Plates Rare GE 2
Matsu Misato Rare GE 2
Moshi Awako Rare GE 2
Moshi Nakata Rare GE 2
Oyumi Rare GE 1
Phantom Blade Kata Rare GE 1
Power Corrupting Rare GE 1
Ronin Brotherhood Rare GE 2
Togashi Nakahara Rare GE 1
Traveling Peddler Rare GE 1 - 15zl
Unexpected Arrival Rare GE 1
Yoritomo Sunagawa Rare GE 2
Blanketed Forest Rare CE 1
Imperial Census Rare CE 1
Kayomasa Rare CE 1
Kuni Daigo (Exp.) Rare CE 1
Matsu Fumiyo Rare CE 1
Omoni (Exp. 2) Rare CE 1
Palm Strike Rare CE 1
Pokku (Exp.) Rare CE 1
Power of Innocence Rare CE 1
Private Whispers Rare CE 1
Song of The World Rare CE 1
Summon Maseru no Oni Rare CE 1
Touch of the Infinite Rare CE 1
Utaku Kohana (Exp.) Rare CE 1
Veteran Advisor Rare CE 1
Wedge Rare CE 1
Yoritomo Han-Ku Rare CE 1
Akodo Shunori (Exp) Rare PotD 1
Ikoma Tobikuma Rare PotD 1
Matsu Benika (Exp 2) Rare PotD 1
Tsuruchi Mochisa (Exp) Rare PotD 1
Yoritomo Souhiko Rare PotD 3
Yoritomo Utemaro (Exp 2) Rare PotD 1
Akodo Ryozo Rare TH 1
Akodo Senichi Rare TH 3
Shinjo Yamauchi Rare TH 1
The Eighth Legion Rare TH 1
Utaku Tairu Rare TH 1
Yoritomo Tatsuhiko Rare TH 1
Akodo Tsudoken Fixed DK 1
Chugo Seido Fixed DK 1 - 10zl/szt
I Do Not Die So Easily! Fixed DK 3 - 15zl/set
Ikoma Ryudo Fixed DK 3
Matsu Shunran Fixed DK 3
Matsu Youko Fixed DK 3
Moshi Enju Fixed DK 3
Tsuruchi Suzuki Fixed DK 3
United Fixed DK 3
Yoritomo Iwata Fixed DK 1
Yoritomo Iwata (Exp.) Fixed DK 3
Ring of Air (Alt Art 2007) Promo PM 1
Ring of Earth (Alt Art 2007) Promo PM 1
Ring of Fire (Alt Art 2007) Promo PM 1
Ring of Water (Alt Art 2007) Promo PM 1
Ring of the Void (Alt Art 2007) Promo PM 1
Ambush (GE) Rare GE 1
Oni-Daikyu Rare EoME 2
Countermove Rare CoB 3
Sneak Attack (LE) Rare LE 1 - 10zl/szt
Omoni - exp2 Rare DoW 1
Turn The Tide Rare DoW 1
Will Rare RotS 1
Blade of Guile Rare KD 1
Matsu Fumiyo Rare TT 3
Yoritomo Kurei Rare TT 2
Akuma no Oni (Exp. 2) (SE) Rare SE 1
I Am Ready (SE) Rare SE 2
Kitsune Den (SE) Rare SE 1
Omoni (Exp. 2) (SE) Rare SE 1
Will (SE) Rare SE 1
Snow Riders Rare HV 1
Swift Counterattack Rare HV 1
Taoist Archer Rare W&D 2 - 10 zł/szt.
Yoritomo Saburo (Exp.) Rare THW 1
Tetsu Kama Mura Fixed TT 1
Isawa Emori - exp Fixed StS 1
Akodo Shinichi (Exp.) Fixed THW 1
Venerable Plains of the Ikoma Fixed THW 1
Fix'y do Lwa oraz Mantis'a (CE + tH)
do tego troche UC i C (prawie wszystkie karty do Lwa)