Chikan Gatsu forum
CCG Legacy => The Coming Storm => Wątek zaczęty przez: Darboh w 2014-05-14, 11:28
Signal the Scouts ( (Five Rings Online (
Strategy - UNCOMMON - 138
Invest ( Draw a card if the Personality is a Scout. (After this card is played, you may also pay the Invest cost to get the effect, once.)
Absent Interrupt: After your action resolves, if it Recruited your Personality during a battle, take an additional action.
Focus Value: 1
"I am not surprised the Tsuruchi ambushed you," the commander growled. "I am surprised that you were surprised."
To działa z Cavalry Escort ?
i dla scoutow od razu skracacz decku.
jeszcze poprosze o jakas BA dla scoutow (RA3 za bow i kasowanie akcji na postaci to troche malo :( )
Bez akcji na scoutach i dla scoutow slabe