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Wiadomości - Sabrar

Strony: [1]
Hi guys!

Our website is up, although some of the information needs to be updated (for example there will be 7 rounds of Swiss, not 6).

Peter Gergely
Head Judge

Sorry for the confusion, googlemaps screwed us.

Hi everyone!

As I'm sure you know our Kotei will be one of the last ones this season but that's no reason not to start preparing for it as soon as possible. 'Never change a winning team' says the old proverb and we're following it to the letter. Our team is the same as last year, with Krisztián Gál as the TO, myself (Péter Gergely) as the Head Judge and the venue remains the same as well:
BUDAPEST, Erzsebetvaros Community Centre (Erzsebetvarosi Kozossegi Haz), Wesselenyi u. 17. in the downtown of the capital of Hungary, close to the train station and easy to reach from the airport.

We would love to have you guys over once again, previous years are proof enough what fun it will be.

Krisztián can be reached at chrisg76@gmail.com, my email address is gpm4715@gmail.com
If you want to register for the event or simply have a question, send us an e-mail or a personal message. E-mails are preferred though, as we do not have the time to visit the boards as frequently as we'd like, although I will try to update this thread as new information comes out

See you there!

Peter Gergely

PS: I'm sorry but I don't speak Polish.

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-16, 11:58 »
Do you have any information about the Polish guys? We're about to start the tournament and there is no sign of them yet. Could you ask them to give us a call? Thanks!

Update: they arrived fortunately.  :)

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-14, 20:40 »
If you have any Shrine of the Sun draft-packs please bring them, as AEG didn't include it in their kit. Thanks!

Have a safe trip guys!

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-10, 22:34 »
Please note that the promos released after Glory of the Empire (such as the Kotei promos) will also not be legal at the tournament.
Additionally we would like to ask you to prepare a decklist in advance. Thank you!

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-05, 08:10 »
As per the official announcement Death at Koten will not be legal at our Kotei!

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-04-28, 23:55 »
Their website indicates that the place still exists, there's an email address given if you wish to inquire further.

Additionally, according to AEG's homepage the Death at Koten set shipped today to all international customers, hopefully it'll arrive in time.

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-04-20, 21:59 »
AEG's offices were closed last week, they supposedly started sending out the sets today, though I have no official information about it. Therefore it should arrive to you in time but if something happens and this becomes a problem for a lot of people then we will get in touch with AEG and probably ask to change the rules.

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-04-11, 10:25 »
Please note that due to the recent banning Moto Chagatai exp 4 will not be tournament legal at our Kotei.

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-03-27, 10:44 »
According to the latest news the cards from the Death at Koten set will be legal at our Kotei, in fact it will be the very first tournament where you can use those cards. Come and surprise everybody with your latest tech!  ;)

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Budapest, Hungary 16-17 Maj
« dnia: 2009-03-15, 15:05 »

First of all I'd like to apologize for not being able to attend your Kotei. I started making plans for it a little later than I originally planned and some Unfortunate Incidents occurred meaning I couldn't make the trip.

Our webpage is up and I finally have the time to advertise it but it seems that some of you were quicker.  :)  Summarizing the most important informations you'll likely need:

Our Kotei will be held on 16-17th May.
Venue will be: Erzsebetvaros Community Center (Budapest VII., Wesselenyi str. 17.) in the downtown of the capital of Hungary, close to the train station and easy to reach from the airport. (same as last year)
Registration will start at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Registration fee at the tournament will be 30 Euro, but if you pre-register you'll get a discount of 5 Euro.

Once again we will hold multiple side events on Sunday for those who didn't make the Top X.
Last year we had many players from Germany, Poland, and France among others, feel free to ask around, I'm sure that they can assure you that you'll have a great time and that nobody walks away empty-handed.

Our TO this year is Krisztián Gál, my name is Peter Gergely, I'll be the Head Judge of the event. Our contact information can be found on the website.

If you want to register for the event or simply have a question, send us an e-mail or a personal message. E-mails are preferred though, as we do not have the time to visit the boards as frequently as we'd like.
If you need any further information please let us know, we are at your service.
See you there!


PS: I'm sorry but I don't speak Polish.

Kotei season 2009 / Odp: Kotei Poland 2009
« dnia: 2009-01-25, 16:30 »

Me and a couple of friends from Hungary are planning to attend your Kotei. I'm especially looking forward to it as I'm always the Head Judge at the Hungarian one and can't play there. I didn' t find a webpage for the tournament, but I don't speak Polish so it could be that I missed it. Could you provide us with some help regarding the location of the Kotei and some possibilites for cheap accomodation? We'd be coming by car.
Thanks in advance!

Peter Gergely

Kotei season 2008 / 2008 Kotei Budapest, Hungary
« dnia: 2008-03-27, 23:59 »
I hope it's not too late to ask, but please bring your Draft Kits with you if you have them!
Thank you!

Kotei season 2008 / 2008 Kotei Budapest, Hungary
« dnia: 2008-03-22, 23:01 »
Only one week left until our Kotei and it's still not too late to make plans for it! Please remember to bring a decklist with you and if you want to compete for the Knowledge point given to the best theme deck, please indicate this on your decklist!

One of the side events has been finalized, there will be a Suicide tournament for sure besides the main event. This format is a lot of fun and you don't need any preparation or training for it. Expect even crazier matches than you're used to!

As always, don't hesitate to contact us if you need any further information!

Kotei season 2008 / 2008 Kotei Budapest, Hungary
« dnia: 2008-02-23, 13:58 »
UPDATE: It's still not too late to preregister and get the discount! Please send an email to amaranth(at)freemail.hu or to any of the addresses in the original post.
We hope to have the following side events besides the main one: Draft, 30/30 Legacy and Open 4/5.
These are subject to change though.
We started to update our official site http://www.futurestartsnow.net, look for more there in the near future. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us, we're glad to help.
See you there!

PS: I'm very happy that this thread is so active, even if I can't understand a single word you're saying.  :D

Kotei season 2008 / 2008 Kotei Budapest, Hungary
« dnia: 2008-01-20, 01:41 »

First of all, the most important things:

The Kotei in Hungary will be held on 29th March-30th March.
Venue will be: Erzsebetvaros Community Center (Budapest VII., Wesselenyi str. 17.) in the downtown of the capital of Hungary, close to the train station and easy to reach from the airport.
Registration will start at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Registration fee is 7250 HUF on the spot (~29 Euro), but if you pre-register before March you'll get a discount of 500 HUF (~20 Euro).

We plan multiple side events for those who didn't make the Top X. Last year for example we got a last minute permission from Todd to run a Winner's Choice draft event, the result of which can be seen on the card 'Duel to the Death' from Honor's Veil.

http://www.futurestartsnow.net used to be the official site of last year's Kotei, you will find many useful information there if You visit it, from possible accomodation to contact information. If You want to register for the event, send us an e-mail or a personal message. E-mails are preferred, as we do not have the time to visit the boards as frequently as we'd like.

Our TO is Nikoletta Nagy, you can reach her at anna.nikoletta.nagy_AT_gmail.com, my name is Peter Gergely, I'll be the Head Judge of the event, you can reach me via pm or at gpm4715_AT_gmail.com

Last year we had players from Germany, Poland, and Sweden among others, feel free to ask around, I'm sure that they can assure you that you'll have a great time.

Some additional things to consider:

- Ours will be the only European Kotei in the second half of March, so if you're likely to suffer from L5R withdrawal then Budapest is definitely the place to visit!
- Leg 4 of Race for the Throne ends on 31st March, making this one of the last opportunities to score some much needed points for your Clan in this Leg.

If You need any further information please let us know, we are at your service.
See You there!

PS: I'm sorry but I don't speak any Polish.

Strony: [1]