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Wiadomości - Kitsuki Tokeru

Strony: [1]
Im proud to announce, that the tournament format for the Main Event will be IVORY.
You are allowed to make printed proxies in good quality from the Kolat Edition pdf. You are NOT allowed to make proxies of the expansions/promos (CoM, GoC, AM).

The Sunday side event will be Big Deck with current EE rules.

I hope this is the right place for announcing this.

I'm glad to have the opportunity to announce a tournament from the resolution series on 26th of January in Braunschweig. Its around 3h40min by car from szczecin, of course others are welcome too.

For further information see the events page:

If you have any questions feel free to ask me. As I dont unterstand polish I would prefer emails to tokeru@rokugan.de but I will try to watch this threat too.

Strony: [1]