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All shouts made by the member.
Total number of shouts: 26
Data Shout Edit
2017-09-25, 09:45
rozmowa z twórca lar 24 09 2017
2017-08-25, 21:54
twórcy l5r kontra fandom l5r
2017-08-20, 14:52  nupkg jak mozna to rozszerzenie otworzyć
2017-08-04, 22:25 no tak ale nie kazdy na fb
2017-08-04, 21:54 kobietka od skorpa
2017-07-19, 21:56 ZAWSZE MOZNA DO UK
2017-07-19, 21:55
    Video or photo
    Cosplay costume or accessories
    Original fan art or sculpture
    Haiku, prose, or lyrics
    Thematic food recipe or dish
    Any other appropriate display of dedication

All posts must use the #L5RHonored hashtag, and be timestamped on or before 11:59 PM CDT (Cen
2017-06-17, 08:50
w listopadzie pierwsze miszczostwa swiata w l5r
2017-06-12, 18:58
wybiersz co bedzie za tydzien smok czy krab . wybór jest w waszych rakach
2017-06-11, 22:07

Utaku Yumino: Bushi. Battle Maiden. Cavalry. Action: During a conflict, discard a card from your hand - this character gains +2 mil and +2 pol until the end of the conflict. (Limit 1 per conflict)
Strony: [1] 2 3