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Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
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Wątek: Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program (Przeczytany 540 razy)
Lion Clan
eternal Personality
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Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
2009-03-27, 18:12 »
Dear Member,
AEG has announced it's 2009 Stronghold Store Program to our retailers. Below is copy of what was sent.
Stronghold Stores Program 2009
Dear retailer,
Previously known as the Dojo Days program, The Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Stronghold Store program is now over one year old, and continues to move from strength to strength. We would like to thank all of you who have participated in the program so far, and hope that the rewards we are putting forth this year demonstrate why AEG continues to be the top retailer-support company in the gaming industry.
First, a reminder of what the program is and how it works:
? Being a Stronghold store means that you are actively working with AEG to grow your player base
? The retailer rewards listed below are measured through active participation of your players in the L5R Imperial Assembly Fan Club
? Each level of our reward program represents just 3 Imperial Assembly members who have declared an individual retail establishment as their store of choice for purchasing L5R products
? Each month, our Stronghold Store database will be checked to track the community building progress of each Stronghold Store, and as each participating store accrues more Imperial Assembly members that declare their store, the greater their rewards
? This is the best way for us to verify that we are working with active brick and mortar stores, and that the programs and promotions we provide are being used to grow the player base in your store
Changes to the program
We have made a few changes to the program to help reward stores for holding onto players as well as growing their community, and also to help minimize bookkeeping. There will also be a few surprise bonuses for promoting other AEG games releasing this year.
In addition, stores that maintain their level for at least one year will qualify for the bonuses that apply to each level in the following year's program. So maintaining your community is as important as growing it.
Stronghold Store Bonuses
The following rewards will be available to all Stronghold Stores:
? Imperial Gift Part 2, Learn-to-Play L5R Summer
We will be distributing the Imperial Gift, part 2 through Stronghold Stores this summer. The Imperial Gift is the biggest offer in the history of collectible card games, and is our major player support feature for 2009.
? Celestial Edition Release Day Package
Available to registered stores supporting Celestial Edition, this package includes a new Stronghold Store katana & display stand (or other item in countries not allowed to distribute blades), Global Storyline Tournament information for the release of Celestial Edition in June, and a kit of marketing materials for the game.
? Free Booster Pack Day
Later this year, AEG will offer and support Free Booster Pack Day. Every player that comes to your store will get free L5R booster packs with purchases made at your store.
? Imperial Guard
As a member of the Stronghold Store program, you will have the opportunity to nominate players and staff from your community that deserve recognition. AEG will recognize and reward the best of the best as part of our 15-year celebration in 2010.
Stronghold Store Level Rewards, 2009
? Level 1 (3 IA Members): Imperial Assembly Store Package
This package will include big stack of Imperial Heralds, promo cards, and three free 2-issue subscriptions to the Imperial Assembly for NEW members to the Assembly.
? Level 2 (6 IA Members): Hantei Cards for the Myth: Pantheons
A new stand-alone card game, Myth is a trick-taking game about powerful gods battling for control of cities and followers. The main game has 10 gods to choose from, but your L5R players will have another option! This reward will contain packages of 5 L5R-inspired Myth cards that will be sent to Stronghold Stores of level 2 when the Myth card game ships in July.
? Level 3 (9 IA Members): Discount Coupon
This coupon is good for $20.00 off the total of one purchase of an L5R Celestial Edition CCG Pre-Release Tournament Kit.
? Level 4 (12 IA Members): Rare Card Packs
At Level 4, your reward is a bonus for the players: Rare Card packs. These packs will include 10 rare cards for you to distribute to all members who claim your store as their stronghold.
? Level 5 (15 IA Members): Celestial Edition L5R Singles Binder
This card-game binder will include seed cards to use as customer sales incentives, or to enhance sales of individual cards within the retail establishment.
? Level 6 (18 IA Members): Free L5R Tournament Kit
There's not much to say about this one. Simple, and great for players and store alike.
? Level 7 (21 IA Members): Mega Game Global Storyline
Later this year, we have very specific and targeted storyline event coming. Only stores of Level 7 or higher will be qualified to run this event. Level 7 stores will also receive the AEG Raffle Pack, which will include 4 prizes and 200 raffle tickets. These can be used to pump sales, with 1 raffle ticket awarded per booster pack or AEG purchase. (If your state does not allow raffles then you can determine how you wish to distribute the prizes).
? Level 8 (24 IA Members): 1 Free Graphic Novel Set
With a normal order price of just under $100, this is a highly desirable item that opens up L5R to completely new audiences.
? Level 9 (27 IA Members): One Celestial Edition/Expansion Booster Pack Display
Again, nothing fancy, but who doesn't love free cards?
? Level 10 (30 IA Members): L5R CCG Level-10 Storyline Event
Stores that hold their Level 10 status for one year or that gain Level 10 status will be part of the new series of exclusive Level 10 Storyline Events.
? Level 15 (45 members): Mega Game Unique Storyline
Stores of Level 15 or higher will be part of a unique Storyline Event tied to the upcoming new Mega Game.
? Level 20 (60 Members): Make A Card Event
Stores of Level 20 or higher will be offered an event or contest to get a card into the game. The card will carry both the name of the store and the name of the player who wins the contest.
Clan Loyalty
This year, players can look forward to the Imperial Gift as their big free item, and Clan Loyalty will gain an advantage for their clan in the new Celestial Edition Mega Game. We are doing everything we can to drive players to your store to purchase L5R cards, and to make this your best L5R year ever.
Please feel free to contact us if you have ideas or suggestions for ways we can make the Stronghold Store program better.
Together, we are stronger.
Thank you,
The L5R Team
Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
Nie ma mnie na forum do czasu premiery L5R CCG.
Lion Clan
eternal Personality
Wiadomości: 6920
jestem barmanem na tym forumie
Odp: Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
Odpowiedź #1 dnia:
2009-03-27, 18:13 »
Czyli bez wielkich zmian. Ciekawe, jak rozwiążą u nas problem darmowego boxa/boostera, i czy stare sklepy dostaną reward za stare levele - czy nam już ten binder z CE przepadł...
Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
Nie ma mnie na forum do czasu premiery L5R CCG.
Lion Clan
eternal Personality
Wiadomości: 6920
jestem barmanem na tym forumie
Odp: Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
Odpowiedź #2 dnia:
2009-03-27, 18:22 »
A co mi zależy, napisałem do gości w tej sprawie
Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
Nie ma mnie na forum do czasu premiery L5R CCG.
Shinjo Drożdż
Quartz Magistrate
temptation Personality
Wiadomości: 1486
Odp: Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
Odpowiedź #3 dnia:
2009-03-27, 23:07 »
pochwal się odpowiedzią bo to ciekawe co wymyślą
Unicorn Clan Samurai - Shugenja - Bounty Hunter - Defender of the Clan - Khan Oportunist - Cavalery
"Choćbym kroczył ciemną doliną, zła się nie ulękne..." bo to ja tu jestem największym skurwielem
Lion Clan
eternal Personality
Wiadomości: 6920
jestem barmanem na tym forumie
Odp: Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
Odpowiedź #4 dnia:
2009-04-28, 22:02 »
Oczywiście musiałem chytrze przeszmuglować pytanie, bo na takie wprost nie odpowiedzieli, ale - oto dobra informacja
Yes, when the CE Stronghold Store program begins with the CE launch.
Each store will get up to their level, and each level they have already passed. So if your store is level 7 by the time we start, your store will get the kits from each level up to and including level 7.
Please note that level kits will be shipped in stages, so after the CE launch kit, we'll then ship out Level one kits (probably about a month later) to all stores level 1 and above. A month or so after that, we'll ship the level 2 kits to all level 2 and above stores, etc.
Best Regards,
David Lepore
Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
Nie ma mnie na forum do czasu premiery L5R CCG.
Wiadomości: 313
Odp: Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program
Odpowiedź #5 dnia:
2009-05-01, 12:57 »
Szukam sposobu by skorzystać z podpięcia się pod sklep - .
Od dłuższego czasu nie mam dostępu do promek (tych zmienianych co 2 miesiące), odnoszę wrażenie że właściciel sklepu w moim mieście nie zamawia ich.
Nie jestem w stanie zagwarantować obecności na każdym turnieju, a zależy mi na dostępie do tych "event kit'ów"
W związku z możliwością przepięcia się do innego sklepu szukam kogoś kto może mi pomóc w powyższym.
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Celestial Edition Stronghold Store Program