Autor Wątek: wisienka na torcie  (Przeczytany 2425 razy)


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wisienka na torcie
« dnia: 2010-03-28, 18:19 »
Glorious news, however! The Hiruma encountered and retrieved an ise zumi from the Shadowlands, a monk already fighting the Destroyers, who had managed to reach Shiro Hiruma and return using his mystical tattoos. This man, Togashi Kyoshi, informed Todori-sama that Shiro Hiruma yet stands, and that the men there live still, trapped by the Destroyers behind enemy lines but untouched by the war thus far. Similarly, the Mantis encountered an identical force of the Destroyers a short distance away. The Centuriae encountered by the Mantis was equally formidable, but had the tremendous misfortune to encounter the Storm Riders upon the open sea. I am told that the conflict lasted roughly three minutes, and that none of the Destroyers survived it.

czesc zaznaczona dotyczy wyboru Pinnkola.

Zombi Damien

  • Spider Clan
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Odp: wisienka na torcie
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2010-03-28, 19:56 »
Spider Clan * Daimyo * Middle Finger of the Dark Lord * Shugenja * Shadowlands * Unique * Loyal

Lose 20 Honour.

Open/Battle: Umrzyj.


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Odp: wisienka na torcie
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2010-03-28, 23:35 »
no to wywalczyłeś Łukaszu historyjkę :)

Spółka Rządzi , Spółka Radzi , Spółka nigdy Cie nie zdradzi!


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Odp: wisienka na torcie
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2010-03-29, 00:52 »
O boze jak epicko.
Ty mylisz, ze jestes Ben Affleck?