Autor Wątek: Małe Poszukiwania (Emperor)  (Przeczytany 1626 razy)


  • Personality
  • Wiadomości: 313
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    • Kyuden Bydgoszcz
Małe Poszukiwania (Emperor)
« dnia: 2006-10-21, 12:01 »
Poszukuję :

Seeds of Decoy
1x Ingenuity

Torn Asunder

2x Disciples of Master Coin
1x Sycophants
1x Blood of Isawa?s Tribe
3x The Sky's Barrier
2x A Threat Enacted

Gates of Chaos

1x Productive Mine
2x Camel
2x Enslaved Djinn
2x Constructing the Self
1x The Tao of Fudo


2x Changing the Game
1x Into the Wastes
2x House of Prophecy
3x Jade Pearl Inn
2x Daidoji Gensai
1x Daidoji Tametaka (EXP2)
3x Tamori Shinji
2x Isawa Ikariya
1x Isawa Tsumaro
2x Daigotsu Endo
1x Iweko Seiken
3x Iuchi Wattu
1x Shinjo Kinto (EXP2)
3x Band of Brothers
2x Black Riders
3x Court Scribe
3x Legulus's Legion
2x Khalimpeh-jiak
1x Tiger Claw
2x Versatile Blade
3x Blistering Rain
2x Hitomi's Devotion
2x Sailor's Warning
3x Searing Siege
2x Yojimbo of Earth
2x A Moving Battle
2x Concealed Reserves
2x Demonstrating Technique
3x Directing the Battle
3x Expanding Gardens
3x Mercantile Conflict
1x Move the Troops
1x Planted Evidence
3x Sleight of Hand
2x The Legion?s Might
3x Thoughtless Sacrifice
3x Unchecked Fury

kilka U ktore jakoś mi umkły :

z TA :

1x Hiruma Ikeuchi
2x Drain of Effort
2x Pierce the Tapestry
1x Suck the Marrow
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2013-02-11, 12:25 by AkodoJacek »


  • Personality
  • Wiadomości: 313
    • Zobacz profil
    • Kyuden Bydgoszcz
Odp: Małe Poszukiwania (Emperor / Celestial)
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2013-02-11, 11:27 »
Dodatkowo z Emperor Edition poszukuję reprintów które mam z poprzednich edycji (ich priorytet jest niższy) :

2x Deeds and Words
2x Luxurious Silk
1x Temples of Gisei Toshi
2x Traveling Peddler
2x Blighted Region
3x Gift Armor
3x Modifications
1x Sasumata
1x Consecration
3x Seeking the Way
1x A Paragon's Strength
2x Ambush
2x Bad Kharma
1x Caught Unawares
2x Dangerous Indulgence
2x Fields of Mercy
2x Focus
1x Footsteps of Madness
1x Inexplicable Challenge
1x Meeting the Keepers
1x Preserving Honor
1x Sacrifice of Pawns
1x Sneak Attack
1x Strategic Strike
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2013-02-11, 11:37 by AkodoJacek »