Autor Wątek: Kupie za pieniadze :)  (Przeczytany 1489 razy)

Togashi Koruneru

  • Dragon Clan
  • blank Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 83
    • Zobacz profil
Kupie za pieniadze :)
« dnia: 2008-03-16, 19:08 »
Potrzebuje dosyc pilnie wiec jestem gotow zaplacic za nastepujace karty

Armor of the Ryu


Mam :

Akcje :

A Generous Offer x2
A Matter of Honor
A Soldier's Fate x3
A Warrior's Patience
An Act of Disdain
Arrival of The Emerald Champion (foil)
Arrival of The Obsidian Champion (s legall)
Arrival of The Obsidian Champion (foil)
Brisk economy
Brute Force
Coordinated Movement
Countermove (foil)
Death of Virtue Style
Death after Life x3
Death At the Mikado x 3
Death Trance x3
Desperat Plea (foil)
Desperat Plea
Devastating Blow
Dirty Politics
Dirty Politics (foil)
Draw Your Blade (foil) x2
Duel to the Death
Eager to Fight (foil)
Eager to Fight (s legall)
Exchange of Hostages (foil)
Exchange of Hostages x2
Failure of Duty (foil)
False Alliance x2
False Alliance (foil)
False Trail
False Trail (foil)
Few Against Many (foil)
Flash of Steel x3
Frenzied Charge
Focus (foil)
Forest Cleansing (foil)
For the Fallen x2
Fury of the Dark Lord x3
Glory In Death x3
Glory In Death  x 1 (foil)
Hateful Curse
Hamstrung (foil)
Hojatsu's Legacy Style
Honor in Death x 2
Hope from Death
Hummingbird Wings
Immobile Stance x 1 (foil samurai legal)
Immobile Stance x 1
Insolence Punished (foil)
Insolence Punished
Inspire Excellence
Inspiring Speech (foil)
Inspiring Speech x2
Kakita?s Edge x 3 (foil)
Let Them Fight Their Dead
Loyalty, Unto Death x 3
Merciless Death x 2
Musha Shugyo (foil)
My Ancestors? Strength x3
Naseru?s Last Words x3 (foil)
One after Another
Palm Strike x 3 ( samurai legal)
Perfection x 1
Political Influence
Political interference (foil)
Political interference
Private Whispers
Profit from Death
Purifying Rite x 3
Reverence for Chikushudo
Shinjo?s Courage (foil)
Shinjo?s Courage (samurai legal)
Shuten Doji's Fury (foil)
Silent Rot
Single Strike Style
Skilled Quartermaster x3
Soul of Bushido
Storm's Eye Style
Strength in Shadow Style
Strict Training x 3
Strike the Base x 2
Superior Positioning (foil)
Superior Strategist (foil)
Swift Counterattack
Swift Punishment x2
Tactical Maneuvers (foil)
Tactical Maneuvers
Take the Charge x3
Tales of Battle
Tales of Battle (foil)
Test of Investigation x 3
The Arrow Knows the Way x2
The Bitter Shadow of Shame (foil)
The Bitter Shadow of Shame
The Champion?s Guidance (foil)
The Champion?s Guidance x3
The Emperor's Road
The Fortunes Smile (foil)
The Fortunes Smile
The Last One
The Path Not Taken (foil)
The Path Not Taken x 2
Toshi No Ichi x 3
True Strength x 2
Turn of Fortune
Turn the Tide (foil)
Two-Front War
Undignified Death (foil)
Undignified Death x2
Unexpected Intimidation
Unexpected Betrayal (foil)
Unexpected Betrayal x2
Unexpected News x 3
Ungrateful Host
Utter Defeat (foil)
Utter Defeat
Wedge (foil)
Wedge x2
We Join the Ancestors
Well Prepared x 3
Wheeels within Wheels x 3
Yarijutsu (foil)

Eventy :

Arrival of the Phoenix x2
Commanding Favor
Commanding Favor (s legal)
Favor of the Jade Champion
Glory of the Shogun
Glory of the Shogun (foil)
Naseru?s Funeral x3
Offered Gift
Proposal of Peace x 2
Return to the Heavens
Severed from the Emperor
Severed from the Emperor (foil)
The Spider?s Shadow
Tomorrow (foil)
Winter Storm (foil)
Winter Warfare (foil)
Wrath of the People

Followery :

Brothers in Arms (foil)
Brothers in Arms  x2
Dojo Applicants (foil)
Gunso Kirita x2
Gunso Kisho
Gunso Hiroshi (foil)
Gunso Hiroshi x2
Gunso Shiraki
Gunio Tabarou
The Unclean x 3
Traveling Ronin (foil)
Wandering Ronin
Watch Commander

Holdingi :

Anvil of Despair x 2
Bronze Memorial
Castle Gate (foil)
Famous Bazaar
Governor?s Cort
Hidden Dragon Temple (foil)
Hidden Dragon Temple x2
House of the Fallen Blossom x 2
House of the Fallen Blossom (foil)
Imperial Handmaidens x 3
Kitsune Den (foil)
Lion Advisor
Militia Training Ground
Shrine to Bishamon (foil)
Shrine to Bishamon
Shrine to Osano-Wo (foil)
Shrine to Osano-Wo
Sushi Stand x 3
Teardrop Island x2
The Khan
Venerable master
Yobanjin Fortress (foil)
Yobanjin Fortress


Ancestral Sword of the Ki-Rin
Armor of Light
Blade of Hubris x3
Chuda Hankyu (foil)
Chuda Hankyu
Customized Armor (foil)
Customized Armor
Daimyo?s Blade (foil)
Daimyo?s Blade x2
Doji Armor
Gift Armor
Lion Mempo
Mantle of the Jade Champion
Menhari-gata (foil)
Naseru's Private Journal
Oni-Daikyu (foil)
Rosoku?s Staff (foil)
Rosoku?s Staff (samurai legal)
Skin of the Naga
Utaku Saber

Personalki :

Kaiu Shoichi (foil)
Kaiu Taru x 3
Kuni Ochiyo
Hida Daizu ex (s legal)
Hida Sozen ex(foli)
Hiruma Aki ex (foil)
Hiruma Aki ex
Yasuki Jinn-Kuen

Asahina Ekei
Asahina Keitaro ex
Asahina Naoki (foil)
Asahina Naoki
Daidoji Kikaze ex
Daidoji Nagiko x3
Doji Ayano ex
Doji Sesshu (foil)
Kakita Idzuki x2
Kakita Tsukao x2

Mirumoto Mareshi
Mirumoto Rosjanin
Mirumoto Rosjanin (foil)
Mirumoto Satobe (foil)
Togashi Hogai ex
Togashi Ieshige (foil)

Akodo Bakin
Akodo Bakin  x3 (foil)
Akodo Bakin x2
Akodo Katsumoto
Akodo Hijikata
Akodo Itoku
Akodo Nakama (foil)
Akodo Nakama x3
Akodo Sadahige ex
Akodo Shigetoshi x2
Akodo Tatsunori
Ikoma Tatsunori
Ikoma Yasuko ex
Matsu Aoiko ex (foil)
Matsu Hatsuyo
Matsu Takeko ex

Kitsune Hisano
Kitsune Ryukan ex x2
Tsuruchi Amaya x2
Tsuruchi Nobumoto (foil)
Tsuruchi Okame ex (foil)
Yoritomo Eriko ex (foil)
Yoritomo Eriko ex
Yoritomo Han-ku
Yoritomo Kurei
Yoritomo Utemaro ex
Yoritomo Saburo ex
Yortomo Sachina (foil)
Yortomo Sachina
Yoritomo Tadame (foil)
Yoritomo Yoyonagi ex

Asako Takakazu ex (foil) x2
Fire Dragon
Isawa Chishaki
Isawa Kokuten x 3
Isawa Kyoko ex (foil)
Isawa Kyoko ex
Isawa Sawao
Isawa Wakasa
Shiba Aikune ex3 x2
Shiba Erena
Shiba Fugimori (foil)
Shiba Fugimori
Shiba Ningen (samurai legal)
Shiba Ningen (foil) (samurai legal)
Shiba Rae
Shiba Sakishi
Tamori Nakamuro

K'mee ex2
Kan'ok'tichek ex3
Pep'trchek ex

Bayushi Hisoka (foil)
Bayushi Hisoka
Bayushi Kurumi
Bayushi Nomen exp (foil)
Bayushi Nomen exp
Bayushi Ryouya
Bayushi Tenbin
Bayushi Tsimaru ex (foil)
Shosuro Jimen  x 2
Shosuro Maru ex2
Shoshuro Kyuichi x2
Sun Doru x2
Yogo Rieko (foil)
Yogo Rieko (s legal foil) x2

Akuma no Oni (foil)
Nairu no Oni
Obsidian Dragon (foil)
Obsidian Dragon
Omoni (foil)
Shikage no Oni
Stone Breaker (foil)
Stone Breaker x2
Wareta no Oni (foil)

Chuda Kyuwa (samurai legal)
Chuda Kyuwa (foil)
Daigotsu Hirata
Yoritomo Hotako

Moto Chen
Moto Choon-yei
Moto Yong-tai
Shinjo Xushen (foil)
Shinjo Xushen
Utaku Fusae
Utaku Kohana ex (foil)
Utaku Kohana ex
Utaku Yu-Pan (foil)



City of the Rich Frog (foil)
Hashi no Oni x 3
Overrflowing Fields
Overrflowing Fields  (foil)
Private Shrine
Reihidao Shinsei
Ruins of Otosan Uchi (foil)
Ruins of Otosan Uchi x 2
The Blasted Lands (foil)
Togashi,s Shrine (foil)
Togashi,s Shrine
Valley of Heroes

Spelle :

A Terrible Oath (foil)
Consecrating the Temple
Essence of Gaki-do (foil)
Essence of Gaki-do
Perfect Attunement (foil)
Puppet Master x 2
Strength of the Forge (foil)
Strength of the Forge
The Jackal's Kiss x2


Armor of the Ryu
Fubatsu No-Dachi
Besieged x1
Beloved of the Clan x3
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2009-03-12, 10:56 by Togashi Koruneru »

Togashi Koruneru

  • Dragon Clan
  • blank Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 83
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: Kupie za pieniadze :)
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2009-03-02, 00:03 »
Kupie pare kart