Autor Wątek: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj  (Przeczytany 4470 razy)


  • Crab Clan
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  • Wiadomości: 721
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Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« dnia: 2009-05-02, 13:35 »
za AEG:

Kotei: Manhattan, Ks:

45 people

6 crane
2 crab
5 dragon
5 lion
2 mantis
7 phoenix
5 unicorn
5 scorpion
5 spider

Location:Enju Provinces, Phoenix Lands

A favorite place of the Hantei line, White Oak Castle is considered sacred by many, including the Imperial families. A great white oak grows there, making the resting place of an Emperor who eschewed the tradition of cremation to instead be buried near his beloved's home. One samurai above all others shall be chosen to stand as the guardian of this sacred tree.

Location:The Imperial Court

Fearful of the destruction of White Oak Castle, one clan representative steps forward and informs the court that centuries ago his ancestor committed an act of tremendous bravery before the Emperor's court and, as a result, was permitted to take a small number of acorns from the legendary white oak from the castle. While most use the incredible medicinal properties of the wood, the samurai reveals that his family managed to grow a tree from the acorns and offers it to the Phoenix with the Empress's blessing to ensure that it will not be lost forever, no matter what the outcome.

Political contest, a theme deck competition, was won by a Spider player: Mason "Daigotsu Usharo" Crawford. His deck was titled "Heaven's Will" and dealt with the Night of the Assassins.

Top 8 (in order of seeding):
Kilian Downey: Mantis (top mantis)
Chris Nicoll: Shadowlands (let mason take top spider)
Bob Martin: Scorpion (top scorpion)
Johnathon Wood: Crane (top crane)
Andy Tate: Unicorn (top unicorn)
Mason Crawford: Spider (top spider)
Kyle Christen: Crab (top crab)
Adam Carey: Scorpion

9th: Nick Jones (top Lion)
17th: Jason Aken (top phoenix)
25th: Ian Cameron (top dragon)

Top 4 (final standings):

1st: Chris Nicoll (Shadowlands)

2nd: Andy Tate (Unicorn)
3rd: Bob Martin (Scorpion)
4th: Adam Carey (Scorpion)

Kotei: Bordeaux, France:

Attendance: 62 (8 rounds and top 8 )

Crab: 8
Crane: 4
Dragon: 5
Lion: 6
Mantis: 6
Phoenix: 6
Scorpion: 8
Spider: 11
Unicorn: 5
Shadowlands: 3

Michita Yasumi

Storyline: Military
Location: Kyuukai province, Phoenix lands

Hopeful Rest city is the crossroads of trade between the northern and southern Phoenix lands. Without it, the northern provinces only have their meager crops to rely upon. The city is not without other treasures however, and when the Army of Fire comes, one hero shall give his life to protect the treasures of Kanjiro Library. In doing so, he will enter into the annals of history forever.

Storyline: Political (Costume contest)
Location: The Imperial Court

Saddened by the loss of yet another priceless treasure, the attendants of the Imperial Court are spurred on by a single charismatic courtier who entreats them to not allow this destruction to go uncorrected. At his or her urging, the clans begin to compile tome after tome of their most treasured texts, gathering them together and duplicating them so that the Phoenix might regain that which was lost.


1. Frederic Lafaye, MN [EHP military] 7-1
2. Reda Lounis, CN [KK item switch] 7-1
3. Laurent Simon, SC [DVD heated discussion bomb] 6-2
4. François Carri?re, MN [EHP commanders] 6-2
5. Maxime Despretz, PX [KA enlightenment] 6-2
6. Sebastien Kaczmar, SC [DVD Bleed] 6-2
7. Guillaume Carel, DG [MST honor monks] 6-2
8. Sebastien Bellanger, CB [SP big followers] 6-2

Pairings for tomorrow will be (best of 3 games, 2h time limit)

1. Frederic Lafaye MN vs 8. Sebastien Bellanger CB
4. François Carri?re MN vs 5. Maxime Despretz PX
3. Laurent Simon SC vs 6. Sebastien Kaczmar SC
2. Reda Lounis CN vs. 7. Guillaume Carel DG

Top 4

8. Sebastien Bellanger CB vs François Carri?re MN
2. Reda Lounis CN vs 6. Sebastien Kaczmar SC

Final Standings:

1. Sebastien Bellanger (CB) [Shattered Peaks Castle military]
2. Reda Lounis (CN) [Kyuden Kyotei Item bonanza]
3. François Carri?re (MN) [EHP commanders]
4. Sebastien Kaczmar (SC) [DVD bleed]

Kotei: Rosario, Argentina:


Ariel Alvarez (Crane) vs Joaquin Rivas (Unicorn)
Jorge Matar (Scorpion) vs Gonzalo Valdenegro (Shadowlands)


Ariel Alvarez (Crane) vs Gonzalo Valdenegro (Shadowlands)

Military Winner: Ariel Alvarez (Crane)
Political Winner: Carlos Alvarez (Dragon)

Kotei: Anchorage AK:

Total players 19
Clan Breakdown
1 Crab
1 Crane
1 Dragon
3 Lion
1 Mantis
4 Phoenix
2 Scorpion
2 Spider
2 Unicorn
1 Shadowlands
1 Hare


Adam Lincoln (Crane)
Jacob Kreger (Lion)
Joe DiSimone (Spider)
Steven Tabor (Phoenix)


Adam (Crane) vs Jacob (Lion)


Jacob Kreger (Lion)

Political (best costume)

Andrew Dowd (Lion)

Kotei: Valencia, Spain:

40 players.

1 - Pablo Rojo - Unicorn (Western Steppes)
2 - Borja Clavería - Scorpion (DVD Bomba)
3 - Victor Bazan - Crab
4 - Enrique Cebriá - Unicorn (ToD)

Politics went to Scorpion


Kotei Summary:

Crab - 4
Crane - 3
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 4
Phoenix - 1
Scorpion - 3
Unicorn - 15 (4x Case Kiyonaga 2x Aaron Boyhan)
Dragon - 1
Shadowlands Horde - 1
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2009-05-04, 13:58 by TooS »


  • Crab Clan
  • toolbox Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 721
  • In your base, smashing your statues.
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2009-05-03, 12:13 »
You kill no Rokugan. Is my jobz !!! *SMASH SMASH*

No to ciekawe jak to wyjdzie w story, ten Shadsowy win :)


  • Quartz Magistrate
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 9539
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2009-05-03, 12:27 »
Nie rozumiem tylko jak oni-gość poradził sobie z kucowymi wróżkami w finale. Ale dał radę, to fakt.
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Lion Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 4775
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2009-05-03, 13:32 »
czasami wystarczy ciutke lepsze podejscie na dziendoberek
Dyplomata - ktoś, kto potrafi powiedzieć "spierdalaj" w taki sposób, że poczujesz podniecenie w związku ze zbliżającą się wyprawą.


  • Dragon Clan
  • temptation Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 1438
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2009-05-03, 17:17 »
no dobra, ale w obu grach? ja z checia zobacze liste tego decka do shadsow...
Mirumoto Breaker
Dragon Clan - Samurai - Magistrate - Duelist - Kensai - Experienced 1 - Harbinger of Winter - House Martell Loyalist - AGOT paratrooper


  • Dragon Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 2895
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 2009-05-03, 17:34 »
zwyciestwo shadsow . yeeah. wiecej poprosze.


  • Crane Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 2284
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 2009-05-03, 18:54 »
Kurde, a szczęście we Francji było tak blisko..:/ A Nicoll też mógł wygrać dla krejnów, ale on zawsze ma jakieś odchyły ;)

Togashi Sparrow

  • Dragon Clan
  • experienced Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 481
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 2009-05-03, 19:30 »
zwyciestwo shadsow . yeeah. wiecej poprosze.

Postaram sie w Norymberdze ;)


  • Lion Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 4775
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 2009-05-03, 19:37 »
no dobra, ale w obu grach? ja z checia zobacze liste tego decka do shadsow...

spoko,zwykle oscyluje w okolicach 50% erki a drugie 50% turbo erki :-X
Dyplomata - ktoś, kto potrafi powiedzieć "spierdalaj" w taki sposób, że poczujesz podniecenie w związku ze zbliżającą się wyprawą.


  • Scorpion Clan
  • toolbox Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 605
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 2009-05-04, 02:29 »
Jeszcze żeby spider wygrał coś, to byłby komplet... A, no i oczywiście Króliki =).
Crab Clan • Lion Clan • Scorpion Clan • Spider Clan • Shadowlands • House Greyjoy • AGOT Paratrooper • Inexperienced • Unique
Hokus-pokus, nie masz buta, Twoja stara to Fosuta!


  • Dragon Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 2895
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 2009-05-04, 07:50 »
no dobra, ale w obu grach? ja z checia zobacze liste tego decka do shadsow...

maws grave

a new wall
in time of war

2x private trader
3x village
3x waystation
3x shattered peaks
3x seiden sanzo
1x funk
1x traveling peddler
1x the khan
1x minting house

1x nairu no oni
3x akaru no oni
3x daku no oni
3x umi-bozu
1x kayomasa
3x chutoburo
1x shikibu no oni
1x daigotsu yuhmi
3x furu no oni
1x kyoso no oni

3x brute force
3x hired killer
3x unpredictable strategy
2x unexpected arrival
2x ogre savagery
3x kami unleashed
1x incredible resilience
3x caught in the act
3x doomed intentions
3x refugees
3x retribution
2x ordered retreat
2x sneak attack
1x tale of tsukuro

1x RoW

3x Tsi blade
1x armor of the ryu
1x grandfather's blade


  • Dragon Clan
  • toolbox Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 854
  • All your base are belong to us
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: 2009-05-04, 11:20 »
wlasciwie to nic cudownego w tym decku nie ma :p
Ty mylisz, ze jestes Ben Affleck?


  • Crab Clan
  • toolbox Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 1055
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    • Claimster - centrum umów
Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 2009-05-04, 13:09 »
wlasciwie to nic cudownego w tym decku nie ma :p

Tak jak w całej edycji. Mnie cieszy kolejne zwycięstwo Kraba!
Claimster - centrum umów

Brzana's HunterZ Team Member


  • Dragon Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 2895
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 2009-05-04, 13:34 »
TooS , uwzglednij jeszcze prosze kotei w Valencii

40 jugadores.

Ha ganado Pablo Rojo - Unicornio (Western Steppes)

2?- Borja Clavería - Escorpión (DVD Bomba)
3?- Victor Bazan - Cangrejo
4?- Enrique Cebriá - Unicornio (ToD)

El Torneo Político ha sido para un Escorpión


  • Crab Clan
  • toolbox Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 721
  • In your base, smashing your statues.
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: 2009-05-04, 13:58 »

kurde nie bylo na gorze w eventach kiedy patrzylem wiec nie dodalem go sam ;P


  • Dragon Clan
  • toolbox Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 854
  • All your base are belong to us
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: Kotei Weekend 2-3 Maj
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: 2009-05-04, 15:23 »
wlasciwie to nic cudownego w tym decku nie ma :p

Tak jak w całej edycji.

so true
Ty mylisz, ze jestes Ben Affleck?