Autor Wątek: Akuma + Unexpected Arrival  (Przeczytany 1706 razy)


  • Unicorn Clan
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Akuma + Unexpected Arrival
« dnia: 2009-08-08, 19:35 »
Sytucja nastepująca:

Bitwa toczy się w "rightmost province". Gracz zagrywa Unexpected Arrival i wprowadza Akume do bitwy. Akuma wchodząc niszczy "rightmost province" czyli tą w której toczy sie bitwa. No i tu pytanie: co się dzieje dalej z bitwą?

Akuma no Oni
After Akuma enters play: Lose 15 Honor and destroy your rightmost province.
During the Action Phase, Akuma does not bow and may not be targeted.
Once per game, after a battle's resolution in which an attacking army containing Akuma destroyed a province: Destroy another of the Defender?s Provinces.

Unexpected Arrival
Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield: Target a Personality in one of your provinces. Bring him into play at the current battlefield, paying 2 less Gold and ignoring his Honor Requirement.


  • Dragon Clan
  • toolbox Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 854
  • All your base are belong to us
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