Autor Wątek: promeczki z nowego heralda postac+follower  (Przeczytany 2086 razy)


  • Dragon Clan
  • eternal Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 2895
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promeczki z nowego heralda postac+follower
« dnia: 2011-07-03, 00:26 »
Yotsu Ueda
- 7 2

Samurai * Commander * Gunso * Kensai
Battle: Target an enemy Follower or Personality without Followers with Force equal to or lower than 4: Destroy it.

"The devastated lands are filled with survivors who desperately need assistance. Who is bold enough to accompany me behind the Destroyer lines?"

Yotsu Ueda's Chosen
3 Force
1 4 -

Attaches to Yotsu Ueda paying 2 less Gold.
Battle: Target an attachment: Bow or straighten it.

obydwie karty dwuedycyjne


  • Scorpion Clan
  • toolbox Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 1040
  • Crab Clan
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Odp: promeczki z nowego heralda postac+follower
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2011-07-03, 00:54 »
hmm... dlaczego te karty są zajebiste?
I can swim.