Autor Wątek: Doji Takato, the Manipulator  (Przeczytany 908 razy)


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Doji Takato, the Manipulator
« dnia: 2014-10-26, 10:29 »
Doji Takato, the Manipulator (Oracle of the Void)
Crane Personality - COMMON - 29

Force: 0
Chi: 4
Honor Requirement: 6
Gold Cost: 5
Personal Honor: 3

Courtier • Love Letter • Orator

Courtesy: After you Recruit Takato, gain 1 Honor. (Courtesy traits do not take effect if you went first.)
Interrupt: After you Recruit Takato, discard a card to make a target player discard a random card. Each of you may put the other's card in your hand.

The Nakodo always knows best.

Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
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