Autor Wątek: Have oraz Want  (Przeczytany 3062 razy)


  • Unicorn Clan
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Have oraz Want
« dnia: 2008-01-07, 02:19 »

Want :

Klaser z Clan Rivals Unicorn Vs Skorpion .(albo ten z crabem ;] ) ewentualna wymiana na feniksa vs dragon

Posiadam :

2 xPrivate Shrine
3x Surprising Resistance

The Hundred-Hand Strike foil
Taoist Archer
Versatile Army
Eager to Fight foil
Yarijutsu x3
The Fortunes Smile
Shuten Doji's Fury
Swift Counterattack foil
Two-Front War
Storm's Eye Style
Konikowy Styl x3
Forest Cleansing
An Act of Disdain
One after Another (foil)
Inspiring Speech
Courtesy foil
Sneak Attack x2
Political Interference
Shinjo' Courage
Honorable rebirth
Profit from Death foil
Let Them Fight Their Dead
Hope from Death foil i nie foil
Tales of Battle
Duel to the Death
Focus x3
Fury of the Dark Lord
Failure od Duty
The Arrow Knows the Way
One after Another
We Join the Ancestors foil
The Champion 's Guidance
Ungrateful Host
Tales of Battle
Swift Punishment
An Act of Disdain
False Alliance

Hida Rikyu ex
Utaku Kohana Foil
Shinjo Kadonomaro x2 foil
Utaku Keiko 2x foil raz nie foil
Shosuro Kyuchi
Yoritomo Fushou
Mirumoto Satobe
Matsu Takeko
Kitsuki Nagiken (foil)
Akodo Sadahige
Yoritomo Hotako(foil) i nie foil
Hiruma Aki (foil)
Sun Doru foil i nie foil
Kakita Tsukao
Tsuruch Etsui ex
Moto Chen ex2
Moto Chagatai ex4 foil
Moto Chagatai ex5
Horiuchi Rikako
Obsidian Dragon
Akodo Shusaku x2 foil (Clan Rivals)
Doji Masaru x2 foil (Clan Rivals)
Kuni Ochiyo
Shosuro Maru ex2 foil
Shiba Sakishi foil
Kitsune Ryukan ex
Stone Breaker

Anvil of Despair
Shrine to Osano-Wo foil
Hidden Dragon Temple x2
Lion Advisor

Purity in Death
Puppet Master

Gift Armor
Ancestral Sword of the Ki-Rin
Daimyo 's Blade

Wandering Budoka
Gunso Shiraki
Snow Riders
Traveling Ronin

Commanding Favor
Return To The Heavens
Commanding Favor
Glory of the Shogun foil (stary obrazek )
Silence the Future foil

Kamoko's Avatar foil

Black Heart of the Empire foil
Right Hand of the Emperor foil

Fixy do Spidera

O UC oraz o C prosze pytac bo nie jestem w stanbie tego wypisac wszystkiego

« Ostatnia zmiana: 2008-09-19, 00:55 by krzemian »


  • Unicorn Clan
  • Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 297
    • Zobacz profil
Odp: Have oraz Want
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2008-09-19, 00:56 »