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Więc nie traktowałbym tego zanadto reprezentatywnie.
nie, bo event jest eventem a wiec nic nie kosztuje. a akcja to akcja- musi dojsc i tracisz karte z reki, wiec tak jakby placisz.
Since The aeg forum is down I wanted to post this somewhere.winner Jeronimo Ayla Rocha mantis2 jordan uy scorp3 walbert ibarra scorp4 pedro miranda cn5 alex damian mn6 patrick mishima cb7 ariel alvarez cn8 alvaro trieli cntheme deckscorpiondragonscorpiondragontshirtphxscorpdragon-colson who isn't signed in, but is using this account to make himself an admin!
Mantis won temple of the victory storyline event, he choose temple of the victorious sun if possible on moshi landson the main event we won 1 and for a total of 13 military pointsMantis dominate south american championship.
wow i lol ... ofkoz gratki dla zielonych panow ... ale lol ... nie sadzilem ze az tak zaszaleja