Autor Wątek: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2  (Przeczytany 3523 razy)


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The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« dnia: 2009-03-13, 10:37 »
opowiadanie z naszego kotei. czytaj jabbas czego dokoknales


  • Unicorn Clan
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2009-03-13, 10:51 »
hey wrzućcie proszę tutaj text na forum bo Alderac jest zblokowany u mnie w robocie jako kategoria hazard:)

PLEASE i dzięki...:D
Tylko najlepsze gry planszowe i karciane Bydgoszcz


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2009-03-13, 11:07 »
Bitte (jest w 2 częściach, ze względu na limit znaków w pojedynczym poście (20 000).

The invading Army of Fire reaches the High House of Light and lays siege to one of the Empire?s oldest ancestral estates, even as their scouts begin reaching other parts of the Empire, with terrible results

The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
By Shawn Carman
Edited by Fred Wan

The northern plains of the Senseki province, Unicorn lands
The first winds of spring were refreshing, but Toko barely noticed. He was a young man, and his thoughts were filled with images of other places, other things that could be occupying his time. It was, his parents and the village elders had told him repeatedly, a foolish pastime, one that would distract him from the duties he was assigned to perform for his family, his village, his clan, and his Empress. For a young man of nineteen, however, the notion of watching over the village?s ponies as they grazed in the northern plains was ridiculously boring and unglamorous.

Despite his low birth, Toko dreamed of the life of a samurai. He knew it was blasphemous, and he had never spoken of it to anyone, but he knew from the way his father looked at him that he knew. Perhaps his father had dreamed the same thing, or perhaps he had even been a ronin earlier in life. Toko had fantasized many times that his father would reveal his samurai heritage to him, but thus far nothing had ever come of it.

A cloud flitted across the sky as the ponies started crying out and broke into a gallop back toward the village. Toko leapt to his feet and instinctively counted the panicked creatures.

One was missing.

The panic that was infecting the ponies rose up in Toko as well. He had never lost one of the ponies before, but then he never really had to pay a great deal of attention. They were docile beasts, accustomed almost from birth from the regular routine that they performed every day. In fact, the only time he could remember that they had behaved this way was when a sickly mountain cat had come down from the north and threatened the herd. The men of the village had gathered together and dispatched it with spears, which had pleased the Shinjo magistrate greatly.

A cloud passed across the field again, but Toko froze in his tracks this time. It was moving in the opposite direction that it had the first time. The young man was not the most observant or intelligent youth of his village, but he knew something was wrong. He looked up.

Toko could not move. His eyes were wide in terror as the tales his parents had used to correct his behavior when he was a boy came rushing back to them. Tales of terrible beasts that would descend from the north and consume him for his sins.

?They are real,? Toko croaked as the shadow fell over him.

* * *

Mirumoto Zenko staggered backwards from the force of the impact, his vision blurring and his mouth filling with a thick, coppery taste. He reached out and caught himself against the stone wall before he fell, and forced the pain from his mind. It was not strange to discover it was a simple matter. Zenko knew exactly what that meant.


The old warrior waved his concerned subordinate away. Grimacing, he glanced downward at the three bolts jutting from his armored chest. Blood ran freely from each point of impact. It trailed from his mouth as well.

?Hold on, commander! I will get one of the shugenja!?

?Do not bother, boy,? Zenko said. Speaking was difficult. ?Speeding the kami will do little for me now.?

?Commander, no! You must??

?There is only one thing I must do now,? Zenko said, ?and that is take more of them with me. Find your taisa, boy. The line must be held until Kei arrives.? And with that, Zenko snarled, spraying blood from his clenched teeth. He gathered his strength and then ran a few short steps and hurled himself over the wall, blades held at the ready, falling the twelve feet or so to where the ranks of yobanjin warriors who laid siege to the castle waited. Zenko?s death was not the only one to follow.

The gunso Mirumoto Minawa ran a hand through his hair, trying to understand what he had just seen. Zenko had been the senior officer in command of the castle?s defense, owing to his position as the captain of the guard. A single legion had been dispatched to defend the castle once word of the attack at the Northern Towers of Flame had begun to circulate through the northern Dragon provinces. When the attack had come, the legion?s commander, Minawa?s taisa, had been among the first to fall. Zenko had assumed command, although in his last moments he seemed to have forgotten the captain?s death. Now Minawa had no commander, unless he could find his chui and report. But in the chaos of the attack, that seemed unlikely.

Minawa shouted for the others to hold the line, and that he would find their commander and bring reserves to relieve them, then quickly darted back down to the courtyard, where the handful of shugenja present in the castle were desperately trying to treat the wounded well enough to get them back into the fight. Minawa stared at them in mute disbelief for a moment before a splash of color amid the drab sea of yellow and green caught his eye. ?Hwarang! Qu Yuan!? he shouted.

Two young Unicorn samurai, both displaying clear signs of battle on their badly battered armor, made their way to him. ?Minawa!? the Shinjo shouted, clasping the Dragon?s forearm in the traditional manner of his clan. ?We thought you might have fallen!?

?No,? Minawa said, his voice strangely distant. ?The commander is dead.?

?He fought well,? the surly Moto said with a nod. ?The Lords of Death will receive his spirit with great honor.?

During the months when the three young samurai had served at the same waystation in the empty lands between their clans? provinces, Minawa had been somewhat amused by Qu Yuan?s religious zeal. Now he found it somewhat out of place, but he could not deny that the Moto?s absolute certainty was not of some small comfort. Part of him believed that Zenko-sama?s spirit would indeed find great glory in the afterlife, and did it matter if that glory came from the Lords of Death? Perhaps not. ?I am sorry,? he said, his voice seeming to come from someone else. ?I did not mean for my invitation to visit my homelands to result in your deaths.?

Shinjo Hwarang gripped his friend by the shoulder. ?We are not dead yet, my friend. Tell me, who is your commanding officer??

MInawa shook his head. ?I do not know,? he admitted. ?All the officers I know of are dead. If any remain, I do not know where they are or what their condition is.?

?Then you must assume that you are in command,? Hwarang said firmly, fixing Minawa with his unwavering stare. ?You may be the only one who can stop this. Do you understand? The task must fall to you.?

?I? I am not??

?Stop,? Qu Yuan said at once. ?You have no choice. We are with you. What are your orders, gunso??

Minawa rubbed a hand over his face, gathering his wits. ?You are both well versed in tactics,? he said. ?You are better suited for command. It should fall to you.?

?This is a Dragon castle,? Hwarang said. ?You are a Dragon officer. We are only here at your invitation. Tell us what you require and it will be done, but the command is yours and yours alone.?

Minawa slowly nodded. ?We? we need to buy time,? he said. ?It is said that Kei-sama was already en route when the attack came. She will be here in less than a day. We must hold out until then.?

?That will be difficult,? Hwarang said. ?The castle can be defended, but our numbers are few and it is a simple matter for an attacking army to sever it from any contact with the remainder of your lands.? He shook his head. ?This is not a strategically defensible location.?

?We will hold out,? Minawa said, finding strength he did not know he had.

?When Kei?s army arrives, they will find the castle difficult to surround,? Qu Yuan said.

Minawa gestured angrily toward the walls that were being besieged even as the conversation took place. ?Apparently it can be done. These attackers fight like demons!?

The Moto actually chuckled, and bowed his head. ?As you say, gunso. What are your orders??

Minawa thought for a moment, then realized that many other Dragon in the courtyard had stopped to listen, all of them looking at him expectantly. He would have sworn in that moment that he could feel the weight of the patch on his armor that denoted his status as a gunso, but he ignored it. ?Even demons can be killed. Get these men bows and arrow!? he shouted, gesturing to the wounded. ?As your wounds are treated, maintain arcing fire over the walls! Heavy weapons to the top of the walls! Any raider who attempts to cross wall, send him back with such force that he is a weapon against his comrades.?

Hwarang nodded. ?And that we avoid a pile of bodies that can be scaled.?

?Qu Yuan,? Minawa said, ?find those monks not engaged in the battle and find some way to harness their abilities. Their tattoos must have some use in this situation. If nothing else, get them to start bringing clean water to the surface. We have no reason to expect a long siege, so let us keep the men?s thirst slaked. Hwarang, direct the archer fire as best you can.?

?Hai gunso,? the two Unicorn said, and the Dragon around them answered in kind.

* * *

Far North Village was in utter chaos.

The attack had come without warning, and the low number of attackers that it had taken to plunge the village into panic and madness would doubtless be remembered as a great stain on the honor of those who dwelled there. It pained Rokai?s heart to know that the good and loyal people he had known for years would be sullied in the eyes of their samurai masters because of something out of their control. The monk only hoped that incredible circumstances would mitigate any potential punishment they might face.

Above the village, three great birds, larger than any animal Rokai had ever seen, circled the village, seeking prey. Atop each of them sat a single rider, a lone warrior who could apparently command the great predators to seek out any target they desired. They had taken the village?s magistrates and few armored samurai first, suffering very little in the process. Then the beasts had begun preying, almost leisurely it seemed, on the village?s livestock. They were no larger than mice to the great birds, and it seemed they were hungry.

The riders had come shortly after. They were scouts, from the look of them. Rokai knew a little of such things, having served two years as an ashigaru in the legions of the Lion Clan before he embraced the life of a monk. The men were lightly armored and traveled quickly. Their weapons and armor were strange, and they looked like no men that Rokai had seen in his many years. They were also without mercy, and savage beyond anything he could ever imagine. They began killing indiscriminately and burning any fortified structures they could find. The temples were first.

Rokai was not a violent man, but he had fought. He could see pain in the eyes of the men he fought, pain and madness. Something beyond their power had driven them to this, something that had broken their will, their minds, and shaped them into these terrible, wretched things. Rokai could not find it in his heart to kill these men, and so he had endured the beating they delivered, waiting.

One of the raiders threw the bloodied monk down on the stone floor of the temple he had served for over a decade. ?Stone,? he muttered. ?This place will take a long time to burn.?

?It will burn just the same,? one of the others rasped in their odd dialect. It sounded to Rokai much like the written form of Rokugani that he was familiar with from scrolls that his order had maintained for centuries. The monk idly wondered if such strangely detached musings meant that he was dying. ?No samurai will use this as an escape from our wrath when the legions arrive.?

?What is the meaning of this??


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2009-03-13, 11:08 »
The voice was calm, but lacked the serenity that one might expect from a monk. A newcomer emerged from farther within the temple, and of course Rokai knew instantly who it must be. The man had been a guest of the temple for nearly a year, meditating and existing in near complete solitude for all that time. His motives, even his identity, were a mystery, but the flawless white of his long hair, white even after so long in seclusion, told Rokai all he needed to know about the man?s origins.

?Who?s this?? one of the raiders asked.

?No monk,? a second replied, ?you can tell by the look.?

?A Crane,? one of them said. ?One of those samurai allied with the Mountain Wind Tribe.?

?There is no Mountain Wind Tribe!? the first barked angrily. ?Not anymore!?

The Crane looked down at the bloodied monk. ?Who injured this man??

?The better question,? a raider said, brandishing his ring sword, ?is who injured you? And the answer? is me.?

The yobanjin moved toward with Crane with obvious, malevolent purpose, his eyes virtually gleaming with the promise of violence. His opponent did not move, not until the last possible moment. Then the Crane sidestepped the blow with elegant grace and delivered a rapid fingertip strike that tore out the man?s left eye, dropping him to the ground in screaming agony. The Crane deftly plucked the man?s sword from the air before it hit the ground and balanced it. ?An ungainly, crude weapon,? he said. ?But then, you lot are hardly worth the effort of retrieving my katana from my quarters.?

A coughing spasm wracked Rokai, and he struggled to rise to his feet, hoping possibly to aid the other man. By the time he staggered to his feet, however, the Crane was aiding him, and four men lay dead on the ground. ?What? what have you done, Midoru??

Doji Midoru glanced down at the bodies. ?Nothing of consequence,? he said. ?They will not disgrace this temple.?

?It has been disgraced,? Rokai said, ?by blood.?

?Perhaps,? Midoru said. ?Now, tell me how many more there are outside.?

?A dozen, perhaps,? Rokai said. ?The threat is the great hawks they brought with them. They blot out the sun with their size.?

Midoru nodded. ?A difficult kill.?

Rokai shook his head. ?You misunderstand their size. They cannot be killed.?

Midoru turned his menacing, somehow lifeless gaze upon the old monk. ?Anything can be killed, my friend. Anything.?

* * *

?More water!? Minawa shouted. ?More water on the walls!?

A handful of Dragon samurai with minor injuries rushed to obey. They carried buckets back and forth from the barrels that had been brought to the courtyards and doused the walls with them. Some parts of the wall had begun to radiate heat from whatever malevolent sorcery the yobanjin were using on the exterior, and in some places the stones had begun to glow from the intensity of it. Minawa feared that dousing them with water would accomplish very little, and one of the other Dragon had warned him that it would make the stones brittle or even shatter them, but for now all he could do was buy time, and that was becoming more and more difficult with each passing moment.


Minawa turned toward the voice. Hwarang was distributing more arrows to the wounded. Their numbers had increased dramatically over the past few hours. Many could not stand all, but none shirked from their duties. He had not seen Qu Yuan in nearly two hours, and feared that his friend was dead. ?What is it?? he called out.

The Unicorn held up an empty quiver. ?We have only a few dozen more arrows. This will be the final volley, I fear.?

Minawa swore. ?There are no more in the castle??


The gunso thought for a moment, his eyes taking in the horror of the castle?s interior courtyard. There were wounded nearly beyond counting. Of the nearly eight hundred men who had begun the battle, perhaps a quarter of that number remained in fighting form. The walls had largely been vacated when the raiders had begun to pull back and use their crossbows, from which Rokugani armor afforded little protection. For nearly an hour, he and his men had been thwarting attempts to penetrate the walls, rushing to the top to push back any invaders when they attempted to cross, then retreating in the face of ranged fire when the interlopers attempted to cross the wall. ?We must use directed fire, then,? he said. ?We will require a spotter.?

?That is a death sentence,? Hwarang said.

?I know,? Minawa said. ?I have to ask you to do it. You have the tactical mind to direct the fire to fullest effect.? He paused. ?I am sorry, my friend.?

?Do not apologize,? Hwarang said, gathering up a series of discarded do-maru from the ground, then taking a metal jingasa and studying it as well. ?This is a glorious battle, and I am honored to take part.? He lashed the do-maru to his arm, one over the other, and the metal jingasa at the top. ?I will do my best to protect your clan?s holdings. Speak well of me to my family.? And with that, Hwarang darted to the top of the wall, holding the heavily armored block of armor he had constructed ahead of him to deflect as many bolts as possible.

?Minawa!? one of the shugenja shouted. ?Minawa!?

The gunso turned, wishing desperately that he could have a moment, just a moment, of peace to gather his thoughts. Instead he was surprised to see Qu Yuan limping toward him. ?Gunso!? the Unicorn rasped. ?Good to see? you are still in command.?

?You live!? Minawa said, his first moment of happiness in several hours. ?What happened??

?The northern facing was about to be? overrun,? he said, still trying to catch his breath. ?We could not hold it. I had several of the monks collapse the wall outward.?

Minawa nodded. ?We saw the tower fall. We did not know what happened, but when we were not swarmed with invaders we had no choice but to assume the best and continue fighting.?

?The wall was collapsed in such a manner that the north face is no longer assailable,? Qu Yuan said. ?The remaining walls are weaker for it, however. They will not hold much longer.?

Minawa wiped the sweat from his vision. ?I hoped that Kei would have been here hours ago. We cannot hold out much longer.?

?We will not need to,? Qu Yuan said plaintively. ?I estimate our ability to defend the castle will outlast the castle?s ability to withstand the strain our attackers are placing upon the lower fortifications.?

?What do you mean?? Minawa demanded.

Qu Yuan looked at him without emotion. ?If your Kei does not arrive within the hour,? he replied, ?this entire castle will crumble down the mountainside, taking both its defenders and its attackers alongside it.?

* * *

The Imperial Court at Kyuden Bayushi, several days later
The mood at the Winter Court of the Empress had grown progressively more somber over the past days and weeks, as the stark reality of the events unfolding in the northern reaches of the Empire became evident to those who were in attendance. Support for the Dragon had been in abundance, but now news that the invaders had been seen again in the Badger and Unicorn lands had subdued the group further. There was little of the normally light and self-absorbed conversation that had come to be expected by so many in such an environment.

The crowd parted as a pair moved toward the Empress? dais at the front of the room. Many bowed as the two passed. The taller of the two, and older man with a number of small scars adorning his wizened face and shaved head, smiled and bowed his head to many in return. The second of the two, a far more remarkable sight, was a small, furred creature, a Nezumi, wearing a large-brimmed straw hat. She, too, bowed in return, her posture perfectly resembling that of the man she accompanied. When the two reached the dais, both knelt.

?I must wonder,? Susumu, the Imperial Advisor, said suddenly, ?if the Empress should trust in the wisdom of a man who would bring such a? creature? before the Imperial Court.?

The Voice of the Empress turned slightly to listen, then nodded. ?The Empress celebrates not only the heroism of the Nezumi race, but the wisdom demonstrated in one?s acceptance of the Celestial Order and the teachings of Shinsei.? He nodded toward the two. ?The Empress is pleased to welcome the head of the Brotherhood of Shinsei and his attendant into her court.?

?Thank you, Divine One,? the monk said as he rose. ?I am known as Tanari,? he said to the assembled courtiers. ?It is my great honor to have been chosen by my brothers and sisters to serve as the head of the Brotherhood, although no man can truly lead another down the path of enlightenment.? He nodded to the Nezumi. ?K?mee and I are grateful for the opportunity to speak with you all, however briefly.?

?Brother Tanari,? the Imperial Chancellor said in a subdued voice, ?what can you tell us of the losses your order has suffered thus far??

Tanari?s expression was one of great sadness. ?Many small shrines and temples in the rural north are behind the line of contact with the yobanjin,? he said. ?We have not heard from those of my order stationed in those areas, and we must assume they have fallen. Further, a number of temples built within Dragon and Unicorn lands have been lost as well. Of most concern is the threat posed to the numerous temples in Far North Village. While we know that the primary temple within the village has been saved, many of the smaller holdings have been lost.?

One of the Unicorn delegation stepped forward and bowed deeply. ?My Empress, if it pleases you, the Unicorn wish to pledge their support to the Brotherhood in this matter. The brave and noble monks who dwelled within Far North Village made a valiant effort to defend the village from its attackers, and the Khan would honor their sacrifice by rebuilding any and all Brotherhood shrines lost in the attack, larger and more splendid than before.?

?Thank you, Ide Eien,? the Voice said. ?The Empress is greatly pleased with the piety and generosity of her Unicorn subjects.?

Tanari bowed. ?The Brotherhood is likewise greatly honored by the continued support of the Unicorn. The Khan is truly generous and wise.?

As congratulations were being murmured by many among the delegation to the uncharacteristically humble Ide representative, a Seppun stepped forward and offered a scroll to the Voice of the Empress. Satsu in turn passed it to the Empress and waited patiently for several moments, then bowed his head. ?The Empress has received further reports from the northern mountains,? he said somewhat quietly, silencing the crowd at once. ?The Empress is greatly pleased to hear that Akodo Shigetoshi and his forces are currently moving north of Shiro Kitsuki, and that the Crab forces under the command of Hida Benjiro are being given unrestricted travel through the Lion lands to join them. The forces of the Emerald Champion and the Shogun are already in the area, distributed across various provinces and attempting to establish a second line of defense.?

A murmur went through the crowd at the news, and the words ?second line of defense? seemed to cause quite a commotion, but they were quickly silenced by the Imperial Chancellor.

?The fourth Imperial Legion is reported to have taken tremendous losses as they attempt to restore the primary border of the Empire. At present it is said that more than half of commander Tonoji?s men have died, but that he refuses to withdraw. He and his men refuse to allow further incursions, even at the cost of their lives. Even more troubling, however, is word that the Dragon Champion and her forces arrived at the High House of Light to liberate it from an attacking force, only to discover almost total losses in the defending forces. A small number remained, under the command of a junior officer and his Unicorn allies. The yobanjin were driven back, but the damage to the High House of Light was deemed irreparable. The estate? has been put to the torch. In order to deny its remaining resources and shelter to the invaders.? Satsu paused briefly, the weight of his words affecting him greatly. ?It is said? it is said that there was precious little remaining to be destroyed, and that the Togashi order has suffered heavy losses.?

The court was completely silent, for all in attendance knew that both the Empress and her Voice were former Dragon. Such a loss could not help but affect them greatly. After several moments of silence, one of the senior Lion delegates stepped forward. ?Great Empress,? he said quietly. ?I am Akodo Setai, head delegate of the Lion Clan. I am a simple warrior, my lady, and I do not have the words to express my sorrow at the pain inflicted upon your kinsmen. If I may, however, when I was appointed to the position of head delegate for this court, my lord Shigetoshi-sama gave me a badge of authority. It is an iron fan that was once presented to Akodo Toturi by Togashi Yokuni. I would be greatly honored, Empress, if I might offer it to you, and to your Voice, that you might have something to remind you of the Togashi people?s home.?

Sounds of approval resounded throughout the court. Another stepped forward as they did, this time a face familiar to most within the crowd. ?Lady Iweko-sama,? the young man said softly. ?Though I cannot speak as eloquently as Setai-sama, nor am I as honorable and skilled a warrior, my masters among the Sparrow brought this small token to court.? He offered a jade figurine, roughly hewn but obviously a sparrow in flight. ?It was presented as a gift by a traveling member of the Togashi order to the Sparrow Champion some years ago. It was his wish that his emissaries offer it to the Crab, but they feel that the Crab would be most understanding if it was instead offered to the Empress as a token of her homeland.?

Akodo Setai smiled. ?An orator as well as a poet, eh Sahara??

The man bowed deeply. ?Forgive me, lord Akodo, I did not wish to overstep my bounds.?

Setai held up his hand. ?None of that. Kneel with me before the Empress, my friend. I would be honored.?

?As would the Empress, by the service and gifts of two such honorable servants,? Satsu added.

?The Scorpion understand that loyalty is the greatest virtue,? the Scorpion Champion said, stepping forward greatly. ?As hosts of the Empress? court, we are shamed by the devotion demonstrated by these two men.? He gestured to the kneeling Lion and ronin, then bowed before them, followed by the remaining Scorpion in attendance. ?We can offer no less than our esteemed guests. Within this castle are the private letters of my predecessor?s daughter, the woman who married a Kitsuki years ago. Although they did not see one another again, the Dragon?s bride wrote her father often, speaking of the beauty of the Dragon lands. I would be honored if I could place the Scorpion?s gift alongside Setai and Sahara?s, my Empress.?

Satsu held up his hand. ?You have each already offered the Empress your loyalty, and she asks for no more than that. Please, keep these precious treasures.?

?They belong to the Empress already,? Bayushi Paneki said. ?We have but been honored to safeguard them for her until this moment.?

?The Empress would be pleased if they remained within your safe-keeping.?

?In her possession they could be no safer,? Setai replied, ?for the life of every Lion will be extinguished before her person can ever be threatened.?

Satsu looked to the Empress, who nodded slowly and bowed her head in thanks. ?The Empress is pleased to accept your gifts.?

?Thank you, my lady,? Sahara whispered.


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2009-03-13, 11:31 »
weź k.. Sejmitar proszę Cię napisz jeszcze z 20 maili do AEG
że nie jestem Bartosz a Bartłomiej...

Bo jak na napisze to i tak zginę w spamie,
a Ty jako TO masz jakąś moc.
I niech to zmienią pod tą fikcją bo się tylko wk...:)

Tylko najlepsze gry planszowe i karciane Bydgoszcz


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 2009-03-13, 14:59 »
znajac aega to jest nie do odkrecenia :P
Ty mylisz, ze jestes Ben Affleck?


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 2009-03-13, 15:28 »
kufa, co za debile...
Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
Nie ma mnie na forum do czasu premiery L5R CCG.


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 2009-03-13, 18:48 »
czy był jakis politiacal pick XD?
"we hope to errata no more cards in Celestial Edition. "


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 2009-03-13, 21:03 »
no to dostałem mrocznego odpalacza consuma...
Battle Maidenkę... ;/

nie ma to jak wpływ na storyline:)

a miała być miażdżąca wszystko shugenja....

oszukali mnie banda złodzieji, alderacowkich decydentów...

(i jeszcze prównując zdolność do drugiego konika i dragona i liona i crana)

t jest crap z 7 wymagań zanim wogóle zaistniał...:)

Tylko najlepsze gry planszowe i karciane Bydgoszcz


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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 2009-03-13, 21:48 »
Dragon spasny :)

Las Vegas Kotei
Case Kiyonaga, Tournament Winner
Joseph Desimone, Costume Contest Winner

Shinjo XXX
Unicorn Clan * Samurai * Cavalry * Commander * Hero
Battle: Bow your target Personality or Follower: Ranged Attack with strength equal to its Force, +2 if you are the Defender.

Cincinnati Kotei
Anthony Calabrese, Tournament Winner
Tom Luebbe, Theme Deck Winner

Daidoji XXX
Crane Clan * Samurai * Scout * Iron Samurai
XXX has +1F while defending and +1F while you control any Rings.
Limited: If a province has been destroyed since the beginning of your last turn: Gain 2 Honor.

Wroclaw Kotei
Bartosz Chrobak, Tournament Winner
Michael Peplinski, Costume Contest Winner

Utaku XXX
Unicorn Clan * Samurai * Cavalry * Battle Maiden * Hero
XXX has +1F for each other Battle Maiden in her army.

Madrid Kotei
Alberto Vazquez, Tournament Winner
Angel Carballo, Costume Contest Winner

Mirumoto XXX
Dragon Clan * Samurai * Kensai * Hero
While XXX has a Weapon, his unit may be assigned even while bowed, and he contributes Force to his army?s total Force even while bowed.

Togashi Koruneru

  • Dragon Clan
  • blank Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 83
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 2009-03-13, 22:18 »
Dragon solidny :) brakowalo mi sensownego kensaia z 4f za 7golda . A kiedy te karty maja byc wydane ?
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2009-03-13, 22:20 by Togashi Koruneru »


  • Dragon Clan
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 2895
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: 2009-03-14, 09:21 »
Dragon solidny :) brakowalo mi sensownego kensaia z 4f za 7golda . A kiedy te karty maja byc wydane ?

to sa propozycje kart do dadatkow jesien/zima. jeszcze nie wiadomo czy takie beda. jabbas walczy o swoja wrozke jak Sobieski pod Wiedniem :)


  • Dragon Clan
  • toolbox Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 854
  • All your base are belong to us
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 2009-03-14, 09:54 »
sobieskiemu tez AEG nie chcial dac shugenjy? ;o
Ty mylisz, ze jestes Ben Affleck?


  • Lion Clan
  • eternal Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 6920
  • jestem barmanem na tym forumie
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 2009-03-14, 14:16 »
ja moge postawic, a na niej apel, plus miejsce na podpisy...
Lion Clan • Samurai • Grumble • Unique
Nie ma mnie na forum do czasu premiery L5R CCG.


  • Unicorn Clan
  • blank Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 90
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: 2009-03-14, 19:14 »
Maidenka ma 4 ph;], a i trait hero może się przydać. Ja się tam Jabbas cieszę z takiej dziewicy:)


  • Mantis Clan
  • temptation Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 1259
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Odp: The War of Dark Fire, Part 2
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: 2009-03-14, 23:44 »
to se looknij na hr i domki uniksowe w CE.

a zlo idzie z polnocy . high house of light plonie.  to sie story line rozpedza . teraz tylko szalony ebon hand'owy shinsei musi wrocic .

A no i fajny uklon dla mantisów . Old school pelna geba i do tego kmee. fajnie wprowadza w nadchodzacy storyline.
always +5 do lansu.
Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom:
Something like :
Limited : Put a -1 gold cost token on a target peronality .

Random dude:
Just shut up Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom <_<.