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3F 3C0HR 7G 2PHCrane Clan * Samurai * ScoutAfter Inada turns face-up in a province: Dishonor him.Battle: Bow a target enemy card withou attachments. Destroy it if Inada is honorable."Will the Crane ever escape the stain of the Harriers' dishonor?" - Doji Domotai
Kolejny preview na forum żurawi:Daidoji Inada3F 3C0HR 7G 2PHCrane Clan * Samurai * ScoutAfter Inada turns face-up in a province: Dishonor him.Battle: Bow a target enemy card withou attachments. Destroy it if Inada is honorable."Will the Crane ever escape the stain of the Harriers' dishonor?" - Doji Domotai
też chce takiego boxa jak krab albo unix...
Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom:Something like :6/4/3Limited : Put a -1 gold cost token on a target peronality . Random dude:Just shut up Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom <_<.
kocham flavor no unicornie . daje tyle opcji dla storylina.
natomiast obrazkiem to was skrzywdzili... :/
Czyli jak na razie Lwy mają chujowego uniqa, a pozostali grywalne (czy bardzo grywalne) non-uniqi ? No kur...