Autor Wątek: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec  (Przeczytany 2804 razy)


  • Crab Clan
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Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« dnia: 2009-03-28, 11:55 »
za AEGiem:

Kotei Petaling Jaya, MALAYSIA

Clan Breakdown:

Crab 2
Crane 3
Lion 1
Mantis 2
Scorpion 1
Spider 1
Unicorn 2

(tak malo graczy, bo maja tam jakies swieto)

Five round swiss for the day and cut off at top 4.


Kyuden Isawa

Storyline : Military
Location : Maryoko Province, Phoenix Lands

    In a horrifying turn of events, the Army of Fire unexpectedly reaches Kyuden Isawa and lays waste tot he most important holding in all the Phoenix lands. The battle is fierce, but ultimately the advantage of suprise is too much, and the Phoenix capital falls. Those who emerge victorious today shall represent the clan who holds off the Army of Fire long enough for the Isawa to retrieve many priceless treasures that will otherwise be destroyed in the configuration

Storyline : Political
Location : The Imperial Court

    The fall of Kyuden Isawa is a grave news indeed for the Empire, as the Isawa were looked to by many to discover the secrets behind the mysterious Army of Fire and destroy them. As they flee their home, one Great Clan shall open their libraries and resources to them, in hopes that they might still find a means of defeating the Army of Fire.

Political Prize goes to the Crane via best dressed.

Top 4 :

Syed Zalihafe - Scorpion
Hafeezal - Unicorn
Andyputra - Crab
Jefri Ramli - Mantis

The playoff for top 4 will be tomorrow.    (czyli zapewne dzis wieczor albo w nocy - wiadomka, strefy czasowe.)

Finals .

1st - Andyputra (Crab)
2nd - Syed Zalihafe (Scorpion) vs
3rd - Hafeezal (Unicorn)
4th - Jefri (Mantis)


Kotei: Bay of Green Coral - Green Bay - March 28

Military Storyline - Location Maryoko Province, Phoenix Lands

In a horrifying turn of events, the Army of Fire unexpectedly reaches Kyuden Isawa and lays waste to teh most important holding in all the Phoenix lands. The battle is fierce, but ultimately the advantage of suprise is too much, and the Phoenix capital falls. Those who emerge victorious today shal represent the clan who holds off the Army of Fire long enough for the Isawa to retrieve many priceless treasures that will otherwise be destroyed in the conflagration.

Political Storyline - Location the Imperial Court

The fall of Kyuden Isawa is grave news indeed for the Empire, as the Isawa were looked to by many to discover the secrets behind the mysterious Army of Fire and destroy them. As they flee their home, one Great Clan shall open their libraries and resources to them, in hopes that they might still find a means of defeating the Army of Fire.

83 players have descended upon the Bay of Green Coral.

The Political contest is as follows: - tu jest opisane o co kaman w polityce

Political Contest

Lion 1460.00
Spider 1060.00
Mantis 766.00
Scorpion 199.50
Crab 12.00
Crane 3.00
Dragon 0.00
Phoenix 0.00
Unicorn -151.00

Food: 691"Items"
Ramen: 1479 Packages
Donations: $1699

Military: - (sorry nie chce mi sie liczyc clan breakdownu)

After 3 rounds of Swiss:

1 Phoenix, Schnieders, Andrew 9
2 Crane, Hjortness, Joel 9
3 Crab, Noble, Jared 9
4 Mantis, Anderson, Jesse 9
5 Scorpion, Hixon, Evan 9
6 Crab, Brost, Michael 9
7 Spider, Crawford, Mason 9
8 Unicorn, Flores, Brandon 9
9 Unicorn, Read, Dillon 9
10 Unicorn, Sislo, Gary 9
11 Mantis, Scharrer, Jonathan 9
12 Crab, Colson, Mike 6
13 Mantis, Delinski, Ian 6
14 Crane, Bourassa, Patrick 6
15 Dragon, Huth, Jeremy 6
16 Unicorn, Cumming, Ben 6
17 Unicorn, Valle, AJ 6
18 Unicorn, Fuchs, Chris 6
19 Lion, Laird, Jake 6
20 Shadowlands, Sochacki, Bob 6
21 Phoenix, Warren, Nate 6
22 Dragon, Gustafson, Tom 6
23 Spider, Hill, Benjamin 6
24 Phoenix, Rymer, Henry 6
25 Crane, Parmely, Val 6
26 Unicorn, Tate, Andy 6
27 Crab, Nagorny, Alan 6
28 Unicorn, Vincent, Nik 6
29 Crab, Schroader, Adam 6
30 Crab, Rymer, Max 6
31 Crab, Jensen, Erik 6
32 Lion, Moran, Nick 6
33 Scorpion, Clark, Mike 6
34 Unicorn, Valenti, Nicholas 6
35 Dragon, Kraft, Ed 6
36 Crab, Aken, Jason 6
37 Crab, Williamson, Jeff 6
38 Shadowlands, Walter, Daniel 6
39 Unicorn, Butterfield, Matt 6
40 Lion, Martin, Joel 6
41 Spider, Johnson, Mike 6
42 Phoenix, Walsh, Darin 3
43 Spider, Osborne, Sam 3
44 Dragon, Fairbanks, David 3
45 Crab, Yaeger, Bob 3
46 Unicorn, Jahnke, Michael 3
47 Crab, Pockat, Scott 3
48 Mantis, Pfefferle, Eric 3
49 Scorpion, Werner, Jim 3
50 Crab, Maurina, Jeremy 3
51 Crab, Mayden, Robbie 3
52 Crane, Seefeld, Dave 3
53 Crab, Kilburn,Jeremy 3
54 Unicorn, Aziz,Saad 3
55 Crane, Valenti, Paul 3
56 Crab, Pavlik, Andrew 3
57 Crab, Jones, Nick 3
58 Spider, Kleaver, Josh 3
59 Dragon, Arndorfer, Dave 3
60 Lion, Oberbeck Nagorny, Kath 3
61 Spider, Perliwitz, Tim 3
62 Crane, Rushton, Garrett 3
63 Lion, Wells, Ian 3
64 Mantis, Morgan, Eric 3
65 Phoenix, Otte, Kyle 3
66 Crab, Bruegger, Justin 3
67 Spider, Sharka, Chris 3
68 Shadowlands, Laderoute, Dave 3
69 Lion, Bailey, Luke 3
70 Phoenix, Fuge, Steve 3
71 Dragon, VanFossen, Joel 3
72 Phoenix, Jenkins, Randy 3
73 Unicorn, Cormican, Cameron 3
74 Scorpion, Friedman, Jim 0
75 Unicorn, McCurdy, Ian 0
76 Mantis, Gerkhardt, Ken 0
77 Crab, Arndorfer, Ian 0
78 Phoenix, Hyman, Dennis 0
79 Spider, Swentzel, Justin 0
80 Scorpion, Blunt, Chad 0
81 Phoenix, Witezeling, Danny 0
82 Mantis, Secrest, Jarrod 0
83 Spider, Olson, Mark 0

Top 8

Scorpion, Hixon, Evan VS Unicorn, Fuchs, Chris
Mantis, Scharrer, Jonathan VS Phoenix, Schnieders, ANdrew
Mantis, Anderson, Jesse VS Unicorn, Read, Dillon
Spider, Johnson, Mike VS Spider, Crawford, Mason

Top 4

Scorpion, Hixon, Evan
Mantis, Scharrer, Jonathan
Mantis, Anderson, Jesse
Spider, Crawford, Mason

Top 2:

Scorpion, Hixon, Evan vs Mantis, Anderson, Jesse


1 - Scorpion - Evan Hixon
2 - Mantis - Jesse Anderson

To sie nazywa wykrecenie :

Kotei Summary - po TYM weekendzie.

Crab - 2
Crane - 2
Mantis - 1
Spider - 0
Lion - 1
Phoenix - 0
Scorpion - 2
Unicorn - 5 (2x Case Kiyonaga)
Dragon - 1

« Ostatnia zmiana: 2009-03-29, 09:14 by TooS »


  • Phoenix Clan
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  • Wiadomości: 693
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2009-03-28, 13:18 »
O w mordę... nie żałują sobie chłopaki  :o

Ciekawie by się zrobiło, gdyby Mantis wygrał top4...
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2009-03-28, 13:21 by Feroz »
+5 do lansu (by Sephirion)


  • Dragon Clan
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  • Wiadomości: 2895
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2009-03-28, 18:07 »
12 osob w malezji - no to zajebiscie duzo.


  • Unicorn Clan
  • temptation Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 1938
  • Jabbas po transformacji w Jabbosklep ;)
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2009-03-28, 20:09 »
to jak zakupiono kotei kita, to niezłe nagrody były:)
Tylko najlepsze gry planszowe i karciane Bydgoszcz


  • Crab Clan
  • toolbox Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 721
  • In your base, smashing your statues.
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2009-03-28, 21:14 »
« Ostatnia zmiana: 2009-03-29, 09:14 by TooS »


  • Scorpion Clan
  • toolbox Personality
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  • Wiadomości: 855
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    • Lastefem
Odp: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 2009-03-29, 13:10 »
UTZ! Weekend bez unixowego wina! :o
Czytaj karty, potem pytaj.
Czytaj rulsy, potem pytaj.
Sprawdź, czy ktoś już o to pytał, potem pytaj.
Myśl. Potem pytaj.


  • Mantis Clan
  • blank Personality
  • *
  • Wiadomości: 60
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Odp: Kotei Weekend 28-29 Marzec
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 2009-03-29, 13:32 »
Temu gościowi nawyraźaniej myliło się po której ma mieć dynasty ,a po której fate ;) postanowił rozwiązać problem definitywnie ;)

A tam bardzie z tyłu to jest wytatułowany skorpion czy co??