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Story Line: MilitaryLocation: Kinenkan province, Dragon IslandWith the assault on the ancestral estate of the Mirumoto drawing most of the clans defenders away, Shiro Tamori is relatively undefended. The sighting of a second large segment of the Army on Fire on the northern horizon is recognized by the family's leaders as the potential end of thier home. The Tamori stand their ground, preparing to face a terrible battle. Two guests present at the time are chosen to bear a large number of their most sacred texts to the Imperial Court, Where they can be safeguarded by the Emperess and her Voice.Storyline Political:Location: The Imperial CourtThe arrival of the Tamori texts are a grave omen for the Imperial Court, and a clear source of great dismay for the Empress and those loyal to her. To spare the Devine Empress the pain of their presence one Great Clan is tasked with protecting and safeguarding the secrets of the Tamori until such time as the can be safely returned.
Storyline: MilitaryLocation: Kouryo province, Unicorn landsA family in disgrace due to the corruption of previous generations, the Shinjo see the advance of the Army of Fire as a possible end to their shame. To stop the army's advance now would be to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Empire, and they mean to take it. Wielding a blade of honor bestowed upon him by another clan, the Unicorn officer Shinjo Dun leads the charge into battle.Storyline: PoliticalLocation: The Imperial CourtWith the hopes of the Empire placed upon the disgraced Shinjo family, one samurai steps forward from the Imperial Court with an impassioned plea to the Great Clans to forgive the Shinjo's past and allow them to move past the shameful actions of their Kolat predecessors, moving many in the court to agree.
SHIRO TAMORIStoryline: MilitaryLocation: Kinenkan Province, Dragon landsWith the assault of the ancestral estate of the Mirumoto drawing most of the clan's defenders away, Shiro Tamori is relatively undefended. The sighting of a second large segment of the Army of Fire on the Northern horizon is recognized by the family leaders as the potential end of their home. The Tamori stand their ground, preparing to face a terrible battle. Two guests present at the time are chosen to bear a large segment of their most sacred texts to the Imperial Court, where they can be safeguarded by the Empress and her Voice.Storyline: Political (Theme Deck)Location: the Imperial CourtThe arrival of the Tamori texts are a grave omen for the Imperial Court, and a clear source of great dismay for the Empress and those loyal to her. To spare the Divine Empress the pain of their presence, one Great Clan is tasked with protecting and safeguarding the secrets of the Tamori until such time as they can be safely returned.
Storyline:MilitaryLocation: Tsuriai province, Unicorn landsAlthough not particularly large or with a great yield, a small jade vein north of the city is the primary resource of Yashigi. The Emperor's Road also crosses through the city, and the Unicorn struggle to destroy it rather than allow the Army of Fire to claim it. During the fighting, one samurai of the winning clan rallies his unit to seize jade from the mine and use it in a daring strike deep within the enemy ranks.Political (theme deck)Location: The Imperial CourtTo ease the sting of such a loss, one family within the Empire brings forward an exquisite tea set, crafted from jade taken from the mine at Yashigi and given to the family as a gift from Otaku Yashigi over a century ago. This gift is returned to the Unicorn at the Empress' request to remind them of the beauty of their holdings at Yashigi.
Now this surly will be an unusual Kotei!The wonderful and most mystireous customs of Belarus has made the Minsk 2009 Kotei TO run about for more than a month, demanding the proof of the prize kits' not being commercial goods. Thanks to the AEG staff and personally Leticia Hyler the letters of such were promply sent in several times, but, most unfortunately, proved to be of no use, as the customs still does not release them even with the TO's confirmation of being ready to pay the fees for it as for commercial stuff. As it now turns out a physical person is not supposed to get such an amount of commercial goods either and the TO has to find a legal entity which will apply to get them.With 5 days till Kotei it is now clear that the chances of getting the prizes on time are next to nothing. That is why we announce that Kotei Minsk 2009 will be totally free of entry fee! We shall assign the contents of the regular prize kit (based on our experience from Moscow Kotei) to certain places in the general tournament as well as to the winners of this or that side contest.If all goes well and we do get that prizes, all participants who win anything will later have a choice of getting their prizes after paying the standard tournament fee. In other words you may choose to pay for this Kotei only if you win stuff and want to have it.We do know it sounds totally crazy but no other choice seems to be an option, thanks to the afore mentioned customs.We would highly appreciate any advice on the matter, so, please, share your thoughts.At present we are glad to find ourselves surrounded by true samurai, many of whom have stated that the honor of fighting for their clan and the pleasure of playing with their friends is all they really look for.However we would really be thankful to the ST should they be kind enough to send our story background to us before the tourney.
O, zające wygrały politykę? Ciekawostka.
lol, ciekawe jak sie teraz DT bedzie tlumaczylo...
Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom:Something like :6/4/3Limited : Put a -1 gold cost token on a target peronality . Random dude:Just shut up Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom <_<.
Poczekaj jeszcze moment. Unixy ciągle nie mają 50% winów.
Ale co się kart nachapają, to ich.
O ile jeszcze w przypadku eventów, itemów, holdingów i innych nie-personalek DT może chcieć na siłę przerobić karty stworzone pod inne klany,
Jestem na 99,9% przekonany, że jakbym wygrał kotej krejnami na shugasach, to DT nie zmieniłby z tego powodu swojej polityki, która przewiduje...przewiduje to, co przewiduje. Mam rację, Mistrzu Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom?
problem jest w tym g-man ze wróżki uniksowe są i mogli je dać jako kotei win , ale nie dali . zreszta nie win karty w testach maja 1 trait mniej i ogólnie ssą , ale ja tego nie widziałem więc nie wiem , czy to na 100% prawda . crabus np w "orginale" był battle .
CytujO ile jeszcze w przypadku eventów, itemów, holdingów i innych nie-personalek DT może chcieć na siłę przerobić karty stworzone pod inne klany,a kurat tu to jest pomyslane tak ,że niby one maja byc warte grania w kazdym klanie , ale działac lepiej jak klan X wygra . oczywiscie jak sie nie wygrywa kotei to jest slabo [no clan specific cards], ale jak sie wygrywa wiecej to poprostu w slot item/holding etc dostajesz nagle karte do niszowego deck'u. Tak to przynajmniej ma działać w założeniu ,możesz być pewien G-man ,żę oni cuś spieprzą