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to co- stapujesz sie czy wolisz nie atakowac? jakby to robilo roznice...
3. Dragon Clan Favor. As a reward for winning the Race for the Throne and seating Empress Iweko, Dragon Clan players will start the game controlling the Imperial Favor if they are the only Dragon Clan player in the game.
6. Naval. The Naval Reaction has been further simplified; the action you get must now be performed by a Naval Personality, not a Follower. Yes, the Mantis Clan was playtested with this in mind.
Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom:Something like :6/4/3Limited : Put a -1 gold cost token on a target peronality . Random dude:Just shut up Self-Appointed Prophet of Doom <_<.
Cytat: Mlodywiem ze to offtop ale co to znaczy RTFC?Przeczytaj na spokojnie tekst karty.
wiem ze to offtop ale co to znaczy RTFC?
czy ja dobrze rozumiem ,że jak np akcja ma np koszt bow postaci ale postac nie perforumje akcji to w naval nie zagrasz ?
Zle rozumiesz bo jezeli masz w koszcie bow postaci to wlasnie ta postac performuje.