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chyba ze unaligned oznacza jeszcze nagi?
jaki to klan?
Paul Clute wins the second chance, choice forthcoming..
Akuma is a fortune
Gencon 2011:ONI WIN!!! /Daniel Walker, TFT/
Ale głupio.Nie podoba mi się takie rozstrzygnięcie.
Which goes well with removing the old gaurd of evil. Nix the Maw, Nix Kyoso, lift Akuma, Daigotsu and Shahai out of reach, seemingly eliminate Fu-Fu for all time, perma-kill Iuchiban and put Yanjindin somewhere out of sight, leaving him alone in his garage where he wants to be. I find this a pretty satisfying end to what Goddesses started.
L5R is a game that let's players steer the storyline. Creating absurd dadaist storyline choices that make Shawn pull his hair out is all part of the fun.
Cytat: Mlodywiem ze to offtop ale co to znaczy RTFC?Przeczytaj na spokojnie tekst karty.
wiem ze to offtop ale co to znaczy RTFC?
jezeli osoby które wygrały są z ekipy Ornatova to może być kiepsko z rozpiska ( zawężone grono odbiorcow tego) z co do mantisa i fenola może będzie łatwiej