Spaliliśmy knajpę, aby zbudować nową.
First, the Empress shall release the booster packs for pre-release to Stronghold Stores only. This pre-release event will take place starting January 27th and ending January 29th. Each store may run one release event for its local Rokugani, the format of which they play must be draft. There will be a special promotional card for the participants of this pre-release, and the event will be part of a storyline tournament that all the people of Rokugan may participate in. The local organizer has until February 16th to turn in the results of the tournament.
Umrzyj:P Niestety terminy o 10 to dla nas pobódka o 6 rano a w dni wolne od pracy uważam to za barbarzyństwo i zbędne okrucieństwo.
niestety - >strartowy honor domku +2honoru co turę czyli przed 1 możliwym atakiem - już przeciwnik ma 12 spowodowały, że zabrakło turyna masakrę... ;-)