Autor Wątek: Deja Vu!  (Przeczytany 10804 razy)


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #60 dnia: 2020-02-07, 22:37 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #61 dnia: 2020-02-07, 23:04 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #62 dnia: 2020-02-16, 15:07 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #63 dnia: 2020-02-21, 10:07 »
Roger Giner-Sorolla:

"At first, the old L5R CCG was meant to model drastic Sun-Tzu shutdown tactics, not standing toe to toe in a battlefield slapboxing at each other with action cards.
Military was just one of several arenas of conflict that you could slay, stifle, and bully your way through, like denial, dishonor, honor rocket, dueling, and eventually enlightenment.
Eventually it was felt that people liked the more interactive battle game, and it turned that way, around Samurai Ed.

On the topic of Rally and Counterattack: those were the real design culprits. Rally wasn't its own fault, but it had to run cover for bad rules that led to endgame stalemates if province taking slowed down. Counterattack was the real spoiler card, with 4 Focus as cherry on top, that made attacking without a Rally twice as risky even in the early game.
(But hilarious that they designed a Counterattack for Legend of the Burning Sands that, because of the different rules of the game, did absolutely nothing as you could always attack on the opponent's turn anyway.)
One of my last ideas to drastically revive the old game: in battle resolution, you bow only as many cards as you need Force to destroy the defending army and province. Interested to see people try playing that way."
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #64 dnia: 2020-02-22, 12:35 »
Przypadkowo na Discordzie poświęconym starym karciankom odezwał się Chris Bergstrom, Genconowy zwycięzca z 1997. Miał wtedy 18 lat i twierdzi, że to był jego pierwszy turniej L5R. Rok później był drugi.

I won The Emerald Armor, A playset of Time of the Void (which wasn't out yet), some other stuff. Best $3 I ever spent."

"that was also my first l5r tournament, oddly enough.
got 2nd in 1998 with an awful deck I built right before the tournament started.
a dragon dueling deck with Matsu Seijuro. What the fuck was I thinking?
I mean, that tournament (Day of Thunder) the final round was 6 turns, but I was winning most every round by turn 4. Game went to 40/40 pretty soon after that.
huh, guess it had been out about 2 years at the time.. I'd only been playing a few months"

Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #65 dnia: 2020-02-25, 09:29 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #66 dnia: 2020-05-09, 11:36 »

Zdjęcie (1994) kilku kart z playtestu Imperial Edition. Cavalry Leader to późniejszy Shinjo Hanari.
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #67 dnia: 2020-05-09, 13:10 »
I pojawiła się część trzynasta blogowego tasiemca:
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #68 dnia: 2020-05-28, 09:38 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #69 dnia: 2020-06-29, 22:57 »
Kolejne w serii. 40 w sam raz na deckbakery. ;)

Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #70 dnia: 2020-07-28, 20:02 »
Kilka reklam z prasy w 1995:

Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #71 dnia: 2020-08-27, 09:26 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #72 dnia: 2020-10-05, 08:19 »

"While the RPG did quite well during the 4th Edition era, the bigger and more important CCG ran into trouble in those years, with gradually and then seriously declining sales. Work was underway in 2014-2015 to course-correct and revive the game, but those efforts ran into a series of obstacles. In the interest of others' privacy I won't say what those obstacles were... suffice to say, the L5R CCG ultimately died due to specific personnel-driven problems, not due to a loss of underlying popularity. The upshot is that in fall of 2015 AEG sold the entire L5R property to Fantasy Flight Games, and my time working on L5R came to an end. (I did do some minor freelancing on FFG's new version of L5R, but ultimately decided it was not the game or the world that I had known and loved, and that it was time to move on.)"
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #73 dnia: 2021-01-16, 18:06 »

Wywiad z Zinserem. Jest trochę o początkach AEG i nieco więcej o wykupie L5R przez WotC (oraz późniejszym odkupie). Czekam na następną część gdzie ma być o sprzedaży IP to FFG.
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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  • Wiadomości: 9539
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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #75 dnia: 2021-02-10, 21:23 »
Co za dużo to niezdrowo.

BOOSTER PACK #01 — John Zinser: The early history of AEG (Alderac) & Legend of the Five Rings CCG
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #76 dnia: 2021-02-11, 22:03 »
Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


  • Quartz Magistrate
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Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #78 dnia: 2021-02-19, 01:22 »
Chris Russell, the man, the myth, the legend  ;D


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Odp: Deja Vu!
« Odpowiedź #79 dnia: 2021-03-16, 20:34 »

Rob Hobart

Side-note: When FFG was in the process of buying L5R from AEG, a big issue the Asmodee lawyers pointed out was the question of clear-cut ownership of specific works such as art, storyline fics, etc.
It turned out that AEG did not actually have contract-specific clear legal ownership (at a level that would satisfy the Asmodee legal team) of a lot of the older artwork, especially stuff that had originally been done for Five Rings Publishing, WotC, for the early editions of the RPG, etc. This had not come up in the past simply because for the most part no one had cared; there was one exception, an early artist who left AEG on bad terms (I wanna say Matt Wilson?). When we were selecting art for the 4th Edition books we were warned never to use any of his stuff.
Similarly, storyline fiction and RPG materials that were clearly paid for, or created "to spec" by writers on salary, was fine for Asmodee... but stuff created by unpaid Story Team adjuncts (basically anyone but Shawn or Fred) was not fine. Which was probably a factor in their ultimate decision to drop the old storyline completely and do a reboot.

Ratling • Nonhuman • Tactician • Those Who Wait Tribe